import click try: from urllib import parser as urlparse except ImportError: import urlparse def validate_count(ctx, param, value): if value < 0 or value % 2 != 0: raise click.BadParameter('Should be a positive, even integer.') return value class URL(click.ParamType): name = 'url' def convert(self, value, param, ctx): if not isinstance(value, tuple): value = urlparse.urlparse(value) if value.scheme not in ('http', 'https'):'invalid URL scheme (%s). Only HTTP URLs are ' 'allowed' % value.scheme, param, ctx) return value @click.command() @click.option('--count', default=2, callback=validate_count, help='A positive even number.') @click.option('--foo', help='A mysterious parameter.') @click.option('--url', help='A URL', type=URL()) @click.version_option() def cli(count, foo, url): """Validation. This example validates parameters in different ways. It does it through callbacks, through a custom type as well as by validating manually in the function. """ if foo is not None and foo != 'wat': raise click.BadParameter('If a value is provided it needs to be the ' 'value "wat".', param_hint=['--foo']) click.echo('count: %s' % count) click.echo('foo: %s' % foo) click.echo('url: %s' % repr(url))