2021-10-09 21:31:57 -04:00

842 lines
26 KiB

import os
import re
import pytest
import click
from click import Option
def test_prefixes(runner):
@click.option("++foo", is_flag=True, help="das foo")
@click.option("--bar", is_flag=True, help="das bar")
def cli(foo, bar):
click.echo(f"foo={foo} bar={bar}")
result = runner.invoke(cli, ["++foo", "--bar"])
assert not result.exception
assert result.output == "foo=True bar=True\n"
result = runner.invoke(cli, ["--help"])
assert"\+\+foo\s+das foo", result.output) is not None
assert"--bar\s+das bar", result.output) is not None
def test_invalid_option(runner):
with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="name was passed") as exc_info:
message = str(exc_info.value)
assert "name was passed (foo)" in message
assert "declare an argument" in message
assert "'--foo'" in message
def test_invalid_nargs(runner):
with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="nargs=-1"):
@click.option("--foo", nargs=-1)
def cli(foo):
def test_nargs_tup_composite_mult(runner):
@click.option("--item", type=(str, int), multiple=True)
def copy(item):
for name, id in item:
click.echo(f"name={name} id={id:d}")
result = runner.invoke(copy, ["--item", "peter", "1", "--item", "max", "2"])
assert not result.exception
assert result.output.splitlines() == ["name=peter id=1", "name=max id=2"]
def test_counting(runner):
@click.option("-v", count=True, help="Verbosity", type=click.IntRange(0, 3))
def cli(v):
result = runner.invoke(cli, ["-vvv"])
assert not result.exception
assert result.output == "verbosity=3\n"
result = runner.invoke(cli, ["-vvvv"])
assert result.exception
assert "Invalid value for '-v': 4 is not in the range 0<=x<=3." in result.output
result = runner.invoke(cli, [])
assert not result.exception
assert result.output == "verbosity=0\n"
result = runner.invoke(cli, ["--help"])
assert"-v\s+Verbosity", result.output) is not None
@pytest.mark.parametrize("unknown_flag", ["--foo", "-f"])
def test_unknown_options(runner, unknown_flag):
def cli():
result = runner.invoke(cli, [unknown_flag])
assert result.exception
assert f"No such option: {unknown_flag}" in result.output
("value", "expect"),
("--cat", "Did you mean --count?"),
("--bounds", "(Possible options: --bound, --count)"),
("--bount", "(Possible options: --bound, --count)"),
def test_suggest_possible_options(runner, value, expect):
cli = click.Command(
"cli", params=[click.Option(["--bound"]), click.Option(["--count"])]
result = runner.invoke(cli, [value])
assert expect in result.output
def test_multiple_required(runner):
@click.option("-m", "--message", multiple=True, required=True)
def cli(message):
result = runner.invoke(cli, ["-m", "foo", "-mbar"])
assert not result.exception
assert result.output == "foo\nbar\n"
result = runner.invoke(cli, [])
assert result.exception
assert "Error: Missing option '-m' / '--message'." in result.output
("multiple", "nargs", "default"),
(True, 1, []),
(True, 1, [1]),
# (False, -1, []),
# (False, -1, [1]),
(False, 2, [1, 2]),
# (True, -1, [[]]),
# (True, -1, []),
# (True, -1, [[1]]),
(True, 2, []),
(True, 2, [[1, 2]]),
def test_init_good_default_list(runner, multiple, nargs, default):
click.Option(["-a"], multiple=multiple, nargs=nargs, default=default)
("multiple", "nargs", "default"),
(True, 1, 1),
# (False, -1, 1),
(False, 2, [1]),
(True, 2, [[1]]),
def test_init_bad_default_list(runner, multiple, nargs, default):
type = (str, str) if nargs == 2 else None
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="default"):
click.Option(["-a"], type=type, multiple=multiple, nargs=nargs, default=default)
def test_empty_envvar(runner):
@click.option("--mypath", type=click.Path(exists=True), envvar="MYPATH")
def cli(mypath):
click.echo(f"mypath: {mypath}")
result = runner.invoke(cli, [], env={"MYPATH": ""})
assert result.exit_code == 0
assert result.output == "mypath: None\n"
def test_multiple_envvar(runner):
@click.option("--arg", multiple=True)
def cmd(arg):
result = runner.invoke(
cmd, [], auto_envvar_prefix="TEST", env={"TEST_ARG": "foo bar baz"}
assert not result.exception
assert result.output == "foo|bar|baz\n"
@click.option("--arg", multiple=True, envvar="X")
def cmd(arg):
result = runner.invoke(cmd, [], env={"X": "foo bar baz"})
assert not result.exception
assert result.output == "foo|bar|baz\n"
@click.option("--arg", multiple=True, type=click.Path())
def cmd(arg):
result = runner.invoke(
env={"TEST_ARG": f"foo{os.path.pathsep}bar"},
assert not result.exception
assert result.output == "foo|bar\n"
def test_trailing_blanks_boolean_envvar(runner):
@click.option("--shout/--no-shout", envvar="SHOUT")
def cli(shout):
click.echo(f"shout: {shout!r}")
result = runner.invoke(cli, [], env={"SHOUT": " true "})
assert result.exit_code == 0
assert result.output == "shout: True\n"
def test_multiple_default_help(runner):
@click.option("--arg1", multiple=True, default=("foo", "bar"), show_default=True)
@click.option("--arg2", multiple=True, default=(1, 2), type=int, show_default=True)
def cmd(arg, arg2):
result = runner.invoke(cmd, ["--help"])
assert not result.exception
assert "foo, bar" in result.output
assert "1, 2" in result.output
def test_show_default_default_map(runner):
@click.option("--arg", default="a", show_default=True)
def cmd(arg):
result = runner.invoke(cmd, ["--help"], default_map={"arg": "b"})
assert not result.exception
assert "[default: b]" in result.output
def test_multiple_default_type():
opt = click.Option(["-a"], multiple=True, default=(1, 2))
assert opt.nargs == 1
assert opt.multiple
assert opt.type is click.INT
ctx = click.Context(click.Command("test"))
assert opt.get_default(ctx) == (1, 2)
def test_multiple_default_composite_type():
opt = click.Option(["-a"], multiple=True, default=[(1, "a")])
assert opt.nargs == 2
assert opt.multiple
assert isinstance(opt.type, click.Tuple)
assert opt.type.types == [click.INT, click.STRING]
ctx = click.Context(click.Command("test"))
assert opt.type_cast_value(ctx, opt.get_default(ctx)) == ((1, "a"),)
def test_parse_multiple_default_composite_type(runner):
@click.option("-a", multiple=True, default=("a", "b"))
@click.option("-b", multiple=True, default=[(1, "a")])
def cmd(a, b):
# result = runner.invoke(cmd, "-a c -a 1 -a d -b 2 two -b 4 four".split())
# assert result.output == "('c', '1', 'd')\n((2, 'two'), (4, 'four'))\n"
result = runner.invoke(cmd)
assert result.output == "('a', 'b')\n((1, 'a'),)\n"
def test_dynamic_default_help_unset(runner):
default=lambda: os.environ.get("USER", ""),
def cmd(username):
print("Hello,", username)
result = runner.invoke(cmd, ["--help"])
assert result.exit_code == 0
assert "--username" in result.output
assert "lambda" not in result.output
assert "(dynamic)" in result.output
def test_dynamic_default_help_text(runner):
default=lambda: os.environ.get("USER", ""),
show_default="current user",
def cmd(username):
print("Hello,", username)
result = runner.invoke(cmd, ["--help"])
assert result.exit_code == 0
assert "--username" in result.output
assert "lambda" not in result.output
assert "(current user)" in result.output
("type", "expect"),
(click.IntRange(1, 32), "1<=x<=32"),
(click.IntRange(1, 32, min_open=True, max_open=True), "1<x<32"),
(click.IntRange(1), "x>=1"),
(click.IntRange(max=32), "x<=32"),
def test_intrange_default_help_text(type, expect):
option = click.Option(["--num"], type=type, show_default=True, default=2)
context = click.Context(click.Command("test"))
result = option.get_help_record(context)[1]
assert expect in result
def test_count_default_type_help():
"""A count option with the default type should not show >=0 in help."""
option = click.Option(["--count"], count=True, help="some words")
context = click.Context(click.Command("test"))
result = option.get_help_record(context)[1]
assert result == "some words"
def test_file_type_help_default():
"""The default for a File type is a filename string. The string
should be displayed in help, not an open file object.
Type casting is only applied to defaults in processing, not when
getting the default value.
option = click.Option(
["--in"], type=click.File(), default=__file__, show_default=True
context = click.Context(click.Command("test"))
result = option.get_help_record(context)[1]
assert __file__ in result
def test_toupper_envvar_prefix(runner):
def cmd(arg):
result = runner.invoke(cmd, [], auto_envvar_prefix="test", env={"TEST_ARG": "foo"})
assert not result.exception
assert result.output == "foo\n"
def test_nargs_envvar(runner):
@click.option("--arg", nargs=2)
def cmd(arg):
result = runner.invoke(
cmd, [], auto_envvar_prefix="TEST", env={"TEST_ARG": "foo bar"}
assert not result.exception
assert result.output == "foo|bar\n"
@click.option("--arg", nargs=2, multiple=True)
def cmd(arg):
for item in arg:
result = runner.invoke(
cmd, [], auto_envvar_prefix="TEST", env={"TEST_ARG": "x 1 y 2"}
assert not result.exception
assert result.output == "x|1\ny|2\n"
def test_show_envvar(runner):
@click.option("--arg1", envvar="ARG1", show_envvar=True)
def cmd(arg):
result = runner.invoke(cmd, ["--help"])
assert not result.exception
assert "ARG1" in result.output
def test_show_envvar_auto_prefix(runner):
@click.option("--arg1", show_envvar=True)
def cmd(arg):
result = runner.invoke(cmd, ["--help"], auto_envvar_prefix="TEST")
assert not result.exception
assert "TEST_ARG1" in result.output
def test_show_envvar_auto_prefix_dash_in_command(runner):
def cli():
@click.option("--baz", show_envvar=True)
def foo_bar(baz):
result = runner.invoke(cli, ["foo-bar", "--help"], auto_envvar_prefix="TEST")
assert not result.exception
assert "TEST_FOO_BAR_BAZ" in result.output
def test_custom_validation(runner):
def validate_pos_int(ctx, param, value):
if value < 0:
raise click.BadParameter("Value needs to be positive")
return value
@click.option("--foo", callback=validate_pos_int, default=1)
def cmd(foo):
result = runner.invoke(cmd, ["--foo", "-1"])
assert "Invalid value for '--foo': Value needs to be positive" in result.output
result = runner.invoke(cmd, ["--foo", "42"])
assert result.output == "42\n"
def test_callback_validates_prompt(runner, monkeypatch):
def validate(ctx, param, value):
if value < 0:
raise click.BadParameter("should be positive")
return value
@click.option("-a", type=int, callback=validate, prompt=True)
def cli(a):
result = runner.invoke(cli, input="-12\n60\n")
assert result.output == "A: -12\nError: should be positive\nA: 60\n60\n"
def test_winstyle_options(runner):
@click.option("/debug;/no-debug", help="Enables or disables debug mode.")
def cmd(debug):
result = runner.invoke(cmd, ["/debug"], help_option_names=["/?"])
assert result.output == "True\n"
result = runner.invoke(cmd, ["/no-debug"], help_option_names=["/?"])
assert result.output == "False\n"
result = runner.invoke(cmd, [], help_option_names=["/?"])
assert result.output == "False\n"
result = runner.invoke(cmd, ["/?"], help_option_names=["/?"])
assert "/debug; /no-debug Enables or disables debug mode." in result.output
assert "/? Show this message and exit." in result.output
def test_legacy_options(runner):
def cmd(whatever):
result = runner.invoke(cmd, ["-whatever", "42"])
assert result.output == "42\n"
result = runner.invoke(cmd, ["-whatever=23"])
assert result.output == "23\n"
def test_missing_option_string_cast():
ctx = click.Context(click.Command(""))
with pytest.raises(click.MissingParameter) as excinfo:
click.Option(["-a"], required=True).process_value(ctx, None)
assert str(excinfo.value) == "Missing parameter: a"
def test_missing_choice(runner):
@click.option("--foo", type=click.Choice(["foo", "bar"]), required=True)
def cmd(foo):
result = runner.invoke(cmd)
assert result.exit_code == 2
error, separator, choices = result.output.partition("Choose from")
assert "Error: Missing option '--foo'. " in error
assert "Choose from" in separator
assert "foo" in choices
assert "bar" in choices
def test_case_insensitive_choice(runner):
@click.option("--foo", type=click.Choice(["Orange", "Apple"], case_sensitive=False))
def cmd(foo):
result = runner.invoke(cmd, ["--foo", "apple"])
assert result.exit_code == 0
assert result.output == "Apple\n"
result = runner.invoke(cmd, ["--foo", "oRANGe"])
assert result.exit_code == 0
assert result.output == "Orange\n"
result = runner.invoke(cmd, ["--foo", "Apple"])
assert result.exit_code == 0
assert result.output == "Apple\n"
@click.option("--foo", type=click.Choice(["Orange", "Apple"]))
def cmd2(foo):
result = runner.invoke(cmd2, ["--foo", "apple"])
assert result.exit_code == 2
result = runner.invoke(cmd2, ["--foo", "oRANGe"])
assert result.exit_code == 2
result = runner.invoke(cmd2, ["--foo", "Apple"])
assert result.exit_code == 0
def test_case_insensitive_choice_returned_exactly(runner):
@click.option("--foo", type=click.Choice(["Orange", "Apple"], case_sensitive=False))
def cmd(foo):
result = runner.invoke(cmd, ["--foo", "apple"])
assert result.exit_code == 0
assert result.output == "Apple\n"
def test_option_help_preserve_paragraphs(runner):
help="""Configuration file to use.
If not given, the environment variable CONFIG_FILE is consulted
and used if set. If neither are given, a default configuration
file is loaded.""",
def cmd(config):
result = runner.invoke(cmd, ["--help"])
assert result.exit_code == 0
i = " " * 21
assert (
" -C, --config PATH Configuration file to use.\n"
f"{i}If not given, the environment variable CONFIG_FILE is\n"
f"{i}consulted and used if set. If neither are given, a default\n"
f"{i}configuration file is loaded."
) in result.output
def test_argument_custom_class(runner):
class CustomArgument(click.Argument):
def get_default(self, ctx, call=True):
"""a dumb override of a default value for testing"""
return "I am a default"
@click.argument("testarg", cls=CustomArgument, default="you wont see me")
def cmd(testarg):
result = runner.invoke(cmd)
assert "I am a default" in result.output
assert "you wont see me" not in result.output
def test_option_custom_class(runner):
class CustomOption(click.Option):
def get_help_record(self, ctx):
"""a dumb override of a help text for testing"""
return ("--help", "I am a help text")
@click.option("--testoption", cls=CustomOption, help="you wont see me")
def cmd(testoption):
result = runner.invoke(cmd, ["--help"])
assert "I am a help text" in result.output
assert "you wont see me" not in result.output
def test_option_custom_class_reusable(runner):
"""Ensure we can reuse a custom class option. See Issue #926"""
class CustomOption(click.Option):
def get_help_record(self, ctx):
"""a dumb override of a help text for testing"""
return ("--help", "I am a help text")
# Assign to a variable to re-use the decorator.
testoption = click.option("--testoption", cls=CustomOption, help="you wont see me")
def cmd1(testoption):
def cmd2(testoption):
# Both of the commands should have the --help option now.
for cmd in (cmd1, cmd2):
result = runner.invoke(cmd, ["--help"])
assert "I am a help text" in result.output
assert "you wont see me" not in result.output
def test_bool_flag_with_type(runner):
@click.option("--shout/--no-shout", default=False, type=bool)
def cmd(shout):
result = runner.invoke(cmd)
assert not result.exception
def test_aliases_for_flags(runner):
@click.option("--warnings/--no-warnings", " /-W", default=True)
def cli(warnings):
result = runner.invoke(cli, ["--warnings"])
assert result.output == "True\n"
result = runner.invoke(cli, ["--no-warnings"])
assert result.output == "False\n"
result = runner.invoke(cli, ["-W"])
assert result.output == "False\n"
@click.option("--warnings/--no-warnings", "-w", default=True)
def cli_alt(warnings):
result = runner.invoke(cli_alt, ["--warnings"])
assert result.output == "True\n"
result = runner.invoke(cli_alt, ["--no-warnings"])
assert result.output == "False\n"
result = runner.invoke(cli_alt, ["-w"])
assert result.output == "True\n"
(["--aggressive", "--all", "-a"], "aggressive"),
(["--first", "--second", "--third", "-a", "-b", "-c"], "first"),
(["--apple", "--banana", "--cantaloupe", "-a", "-b", "-c"], "apple"),
(["--cantaloupe", "--banana", "--apple", "-c", "-b", "-a"], "cantaloupe"),
(["-a", "-b", "-c"], "a"),
(["-c", "-b", "-a"], "c"),
(["-a", "--apple", "-b", "--banana", "-c", "--cantaloupe"], "apple"),
(["-c", "-a", "--cantaloupe", "-b", "--banana", "--apple"], "cantaloupe"),
(["--from", "-f", "_from"], "_from"),
(["--return", "-r", "_ret"], "_ret"),
def test_option_names(runner, option_args, expected):
@click.option(*option_args, is_flag=True)
def cmd(**kwargs):
assert cmd.params[0].name == expected
for form in option_args:
if form.startswith("-"):
result = runner.invoke(cmd, [form])
assert result.output == "True\n"
def test_flag_duplicate_names(runner):
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="cannot use the same flag for true/false"):
click.Option(["--foo/--foo"], default=False)
@pytest.mark.parametrize(("default", "expect"), [(False, "no-cache"), (True, "cache")])
def test_show_default_boolean_flag_name(runner, default, expect):
"""When a boolean flag has distinct True/False opts, it should show
the default opt name instead of the default value. It should only
show one name even if multiple are declared.
opt = click.Option(
("--cache/--no-cache", "--c/--nc"),
help="Enable/Disable the cache.",
ctx = click.Context(click.Command("test"))
message = opt.get_help_record(ctx)[1]
assert f"[default: {expect}]" in message
def test_show_default_boolean_flag_value(runner):
"""When a boolean flag only has one opt, it will show the default
value, not the opt name.
opt = click.Option(
("--cache",), is_flag=True, show_default=True, help="Enable the cache."
ctx = click.Context(click.Command("test"))
message = opt.get_help_record(ctx)[1]
assert "[default: False]" in message
def test_show_default_string(runner):
"""When show_default is a string show that value as default."""
opt = click.Option(["--limit"], show_default="unlimited")
ctx = click.Context(click.Command("cli"))
message = opt.get_help_record(ctx)[1]
assert "[default: (unlimited)]" in message
def test_do_not_show_no_default(runner):
"""When show_default is True and no default is set do not show None."""
opt = click.Option(["--limit"], show_default=True)
ctx = click.Context(click.Command("cli"))
message = opt.get_help_record(ctx)[1]
assert "[default: None]" not in message
def test_do_not_show_default_empty_multiple():
"""When show_default is True and multiple=True is set, it should not
print empty default value in --help output.
opt = click.Option(["-a"], multiple=True, help="values", show_default=True)
ctx = click.Context(click.Command("cli"))
message = opt.get_help_record(ctx)[1]
assert message == "values"
("args", "expect"),
(None, (None, None, ())),
(["--opt"], ("flag", None, ())),
(["--opt", "-a", 42], ("flag", "42", ())),
(["--opt", "test", "-a", 42], ("test", "42", ())),
(["--opt=test", "-a", 42], ("test", "42", ())),
(["-o"], ("flag", None, ())),
(["-o", "-a", 42], ("flag", "42", ())),
(["-o", "test", "-a", 42], ("test", "42", ())),
(["-otest", "-a", 42], ("test", "42", ())),
(["a", "b", "c"], (None, None, ("a", "b", "c"))),
(["--opt", "a", "b", "c"], ("a", None, ("b", "c"))),
(["--opt", "test"], ("test", None, ())),
(["-otest", "a", "b", "c"], ("test", None, ("a", "b", "c"))),
(["--opt=test", "a", "b", "c"], ("test", None, ("a", "b", "c"))),
def test_option_with_optional_value(runner, args, expect):
@click.option("-o", "--opt", is_flag=False, flag_value="flag")
@click.argument("b", nargs=-1)
def cli(opt, a, b):
return opt, a, b
result = runner.invoke(cli, args, standalone_mode=False, catch_exceptions=False)
assert result.return_value == expect
def test_multiple_option_with_optional_value(runner):
cli = click.Command(
click.Option(["-f"], is_flag=False, flag_value="flag", multiple=True),
click.Argument(["b"], nargs=-1),
callback=lambda **kwargs: kwargs,
result = runner.invoke(
["-f", "-f", "other", "-f", "-a", "1", "a", "b"],
assert result.return_value == {
"f": ("flag", "other", "flag"),
"a": "1",
"b": ("a", "b"),
def test_type_from_flag_value():
param = click.Option(["-a", "x"], default=True, flag_value=4)
assert param.type is click.INT
param = click.Option(["-b", "x"], flag_value=8)
assert param.type is click.INT
("option", "expected"),
# Not boolean flags
pytest.param(Option(["-a"], type=int), False, id="int option"),
pytest.param(Option(["-a"], type=bool), False, id="bool non-flag [None]"),
pytest.param(Option(["-a"], default=True), False, id="bool non-flag [True]"),
pytest.param(Option(["-a"], default=False), False, id="bool non-flag [False]"),
pytest.param(Option(["-a"], flag_value=1), False, id="non-bool flag_value"),
# Boolean flags
pytest.param(Option(["-a"], is_flag=True), True, id="is_flag=True"),
pytest.param(Option(["-a/-A"]), True, id="secondary option [implicit flag]"),
pytest.param(Option(["-a"], flag_value=True), True, id="bool flag_value"),
def test_is_bool_flag_is_correctly_set(option, expected):
assert option.is_bool_flag is expected