--- - name: "Configure installurl" ansible.builtin.copy: content: "{{ evobsd_install_url }}\n" dest: /etc/installurl mode: "0644" tags: - pkg # openbsd_pkg is broken since OpenBSD 7.4 with the version of Ansible we currently use #- name: "Install packages (vim rsync mtr etc)" # community.general.openbsd_pkg: # name: # - wget # - vim--no_x11 # - rsync-- # - mtr-- # - iftop # - sudo-- # - bash # - ncdu # - htop # ignore_errors: true # tags: # - pkg - name: "Install packages (vim rsync mtr etc)" include: openbsd_pkg_custom.yml vars: package: "{{ item }}" loop: - wget - vim--no_x11 - rsync-- - mtr-- - iftop - sudo-- - bash - ncdu - htop tags: - pkg - name: "Disable sndiod" ansible.builtin.service: name: sndiod enabled: false state: stopped tags: - pkg