{% if evobsd_alias_fwupdate %} alias fw_update="{{ evobsd_alias_fwupdate }}" {% endif %} alias vi='vim' sudo() { if [[ $# == "1" ]] && [[ $1 == "su" ]]; then command sudo -i; else command sudo "$@"; fi } alias history="fc -l 0" ## # Caracterisation du shell ## # If this is an xterm set the title to user@host:dir case "$TERM" in xterm*|rxvt*) PS1="\[\e]0;\u@\h: \w\a\]$PS1" ;; *) ;; esac bind -m '^L'='^U 'clear'^M^Y' bind '^[[4~'=end-of-line bind '^[[1~'=beginning-of-line bind '^[[3~'=delete-char-forward bind '^[[8~'=end-of-line bind '^[[7~'=beginning-of-line bind '^[Oc'=forward-word bind '^[Od'=backward-word bind '^[^[[C'=forward-word bind '^[^[[D'=backward-word set -A complete_kill_1 -- -9 -HUP -INFO -KILL -TERM PKG_LIST=$(ls -1 /var/db/pkg) set -A complete_pkg_delete -- $PKG_LIST set -A complete_pkg_info -- $PKG_LIST set -A complete_rcctl_1 -- disable enable get ls order set reload check restart stop start set -A complete_rcctl_2 -- $(ls /etc/rc.d) set -A complete_signify_1 -- -C -G -S -V set -A complete_signify_2 -- -q -p -x -c -m -t -z set -A complete_signify_3 -- -p -x -c -m -t -z set -A complete_make_1 -- install clean repackage reinstall set -A complete_gpg2 -- --refresh --receive-keys --armor --clearsign --sign --list-key --decrypt --verify --detach-sig set -A complete_git -- pull push mpull mpush status clone branch add rm checkout fetch show tag commit set -A complete_ifconfig_1 -- $(ifconfig | grep ^[a-z] | cut -d: -f1)