# yamllint disable rule:line-length --- # openbsd_pkg is broken since OpenBSD 7.4 with the version of Ansible we currently use #- name: "Install nrpe" # community.general.openbsd_pkg: # name: # - nrpe-- # state: present # tags: # - nagios-nrpe # #- name: "Install monitoring packages" # community.general.openbsd_pkg: # name: # - monitoring-plugins # - check_bioctl # state: present # tags: # - nagios-nrpe - name: "Install nrpe and monitoring packages" include: openbsd_pkg_custom.yml vars: package: "{{ item }}" loop: - nrpe-- - monitoring-plugins - check_bioctl tags: - nagios-nrpe - name: "Create nrpe.d dir" ansible.builtin.file: path: /etc/nrpe.d state: directory owner: root group: wheel mode: "0755" tags: - nagios-nrpe - name: "Include nrpe.d dir in nrpe.cfg" ansible.builtin.lineinfile: dest: /etc/nrpe.cfg line: 'include_dir=/etc/nrpe.d' create: true tags: - nagios-nrpe - name: "Check if nrpe service exists, for usage in check_mode" stat: path: /etc/rc.d/nrpe register: nrpe_exists - name: "Custom configuration is present" ansible.builtin.blockinfile: block: "{{ lookup('template', 'evolix_bsd.cfg.j2') }}" path: /etc/nrpe.d/evolix.cfg marker: "## {mark} ANSIBLE MANAGED BLOCK : Custom NRPE configuration file from EvoBSD" create: true mode: "0644" insertbefore: BOF notify: restart nrpe tags: - nagios-nrpe - name: "Create nrpe plugins dir" ansible.builtin.file: path: /usr/local/libexec/nagios/plugins/ state: directory owner: root group: wheel mode: "0755" tags: - nagios-nrpe - name: "Nagios plugins are installed" ansible.builtin.copy: src: plugins_bsd/{{ item.name }} dest: /usr/local/libexec/nagios/plugins/{{ item.name }} owner: root group: wheel mode: "0755" force: "{{ item.force }}" with_items: - {name: 'check_carp_if', force: true} - {name: 'check_connections_state.sh', force: false} - {name: 'check_ipsecctl.sh', force: false} - {name: 'check_ipsecctl_critiques.sh', force: false} - {name: 'check_openbgpd', force: true} - {name: 'check_openvpn', force: false} - {name: 'check_openvpn.pl', force: true} - {name: 'check_ospfd_simple', force: true} - {name: 'check_packetfilter.sh', force: true} - {name: 'check_pf_states', force: false} - {name: 'check_mailq.pl', force: true} - {name: 'check_dhcp_pool', force: false} - {name: 'check_dhcpd.sh', force: false} - {name: 'check_ipmi_sensor', force: true} notify: restart nrpe tags: - nagios-nrpe - nagios-nrpe-utils - name: "Nagios plugins are installed - template" ansible.builtin.template: src: plugins_bsd/{{ item.name }}.j2 dest: /usr/local/libexec/nagios/plugins/{{ item.name }} owner: root group: wheel mode: "0755" force: "{{ item.force }}" with_items: - {name: 'check_free_mem.sh', force: true} notify: restart nrpe tags: - nagios-nrpe - nagios-nrpe-utils - name: "Starting and enabling nrpe" ansible.builtin.service: name: nrpe enabled: true state: started when: nrpe_exists.stat.exists tags: - nagios-nrpe