--- ######################################################## ## Edit and uncomment to overwrite the default values ## ######################################################## # ntpd_servers: # - "ntp.evolix.net" # # general_alert_email: "root@localhost" # general_technical_realm: "example.com" evolinux_ssh_group: "evolinux-ssh" evolinux_sudo_group: "evolinux-sudo" evolinux_root_disable_ssh: true # # evomaintenance_realm: "example.com" # evomaintenance_alert_email: "evomaintenance-{{ inventory_hostname }}@{{ evomaintenance_realm }}" # evomaintenance_hostname: "{{ inventory_hostname }}.{{ general_technical_realm }}" # evomaintenance_pg_host: Null # evomaintenance_pg_passwd: Null # evomaintenance_pg_db: Null # evomaintenance_pg_table: Null # evomaintenance_from_domain: "{{ evomaintenance_realm }}" # evomaintenance_from: "evomaintenance@{{ evomaintenance_from_domain }}" # evomaintenance_full_from: "Evomaintenance <{{ evomaintenance_from }}>" # evomaintenance_urgency_from: mama.doe@example.com # evomaintenance_urgency_tel: "" # # evolix_users: # foo: # name: foo # uid: 1042 # fullname: 'Foo Bar (Evolix)' # groups: [] # password_hash_openbsd: '' # ssh_keys: # - 'ssh-rsa XXXXXXX'