Jérémy Dubois 2bf8a7e872
Some checks failed
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is failing
Stricter ssh and doas access - better version
Fix #34

We now use a unique evobsd_group (evolix by default).
Each user has 2 groups : evobsd_group and user.name.
Only evobsd_group can ssh to server and use doas.

I also added a password restrictions block for IPs/group.
And we make sure the home folder is only readable by owner.
2020-10-13 16:03:54 +02:00

38 lines
1.1 KiB

## Edit and uncomment to overwrite the default values ##
# ntpd_servers:
# - "ntp.evolix.net"
# general_alert_email: "root@localhost"
# general_technical_realm: "example.com"
# evomaintenance_realm: "example.com"
# evomaintenance_alert_email:
# "evomaintenance-{{ inventory_hostname }}@{{ evomaintenance_realm }}"
# evomaintenance_hostname:
# "{{ inventory_hostname }}.{{ general_technical_realm }}"
# evomaintenance_pg_host: Null
# evomaintenance_pg_passwd: Null
# evomaintenance_pg_db: Null
# evomaintenance_pg_table: Null
# evomaintenance_from_domain: "{{ evomaintenance_realm }}"
# evomaintenance_from: "evomaintenance@{{ evomaintenance_from_domain }}"
# evomaintenance_full_from: "Evomaintenance <{{ evomaintenance_from }}>"
# evomaintenance_urgency_from: mama.doe@example.com
# evomaintenance_urgency_tel: ""
evobsd_group: "evolix"
# evolix_users:
# foo:
# name: foo
# uid: 1042
# fullname: 'Foo Bar (Evolix)'
# groups: []
# password_hash_openbsd: ''
# ssh_keys:
# - 'ssh-rsa XXXXXXX'