
21 lines
829 B
Raw Blame History

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HOSTNAME={{ evomaintenance_hostname }}
EVOMAINTMAIL={{ evomaintenance_alert_email or general_alert_email | mandatory }}
export PGPASSWORD={{ evomaintenance_pg_passwd }}
PGDB={{ evomaintenance_pg_db }}
PGTABLE={{ evomaintenance_pg_table }}
PGHOST={{ evomaintenance_pg_host }}
FROM={{ evomaintenance_from }}
FULLFROM="{{ evomaintenance_full_from }}"
URGENCYFROM={{ evomaintenance_urgency_from }}
URGENCYTEL="{{ evomaintenance_urgency_tel }}"
REALM="{{ evomaintenance_realm }}"
API_ENDPOINT={{ evomaintenance_api_endpoint }}
API_KEY={{ evomaintenance_api_key }}
HOOK_API={{ evomaintenance_hook_api | bool | ternary('1','0') }}
HOOK_DB={{ evomaintenance_hook_db | bool | ternary('1','0') }}
HOOK_COMMIT={{ evomaintenance_hook_commit | bool | ternary('1','0') }}
HOOK_MAIL={{ evomaintenance_hook_mail | bool | ternary('1','0') }}