Jérémy Dubois 798a87b0ff Configure locale to en_US.UTF-8, use vim as default git edit, and bump EvoBSD version
Configure locale to en_US.UTF-8 in .profile file so that "git log" displays the accents correctly
Use vim as default git editor for the same reason, and because its better than vi
Bump EvoBSD version : OpenBSD 7.0 is out
2021-12-09 11:03:38 +01:00

136 lines
3.8 KiB

# Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/),
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html).
## [Unreleased]
## [7.0.0] - 2021-12-09
### Changed
- Configure locale to en_US.UTF-8 in .profile file so that "git log" displays the accents correctly
- Use vim as default git editor
## [6.9.2] - 2021-10-15
### Added
- Add a more complete ipsecctl check script
- Add doas configuration for check_openvpn_certificates.sh
### Fixed
- Fix check_dhcpd for dhcpd server themselves : use back check_procs -c1: -C dhcpd
- Fix check_mailq : check from monitoring-plugins current version is not compatible with opensmtpd
## [6.9.1] - 2021-07-19
### Added
- Configure the ntpd.conf file
## [6.9.0] - 2021-05-06
### Changed
- Remove the variable VERBOSESTATUS in daily.local configuration file since it is no longer valid.
## [6.8.3] - 2021-02-15
### Added
- Add a customization of the logsentry configuration
- Add a check_openvpn_certificates in NRPE and OpenVPN role to check expiration date of server CA and certificates files
### Fixed
- Fix the check_mem command in the NRPE role, precising the percentage sign for it not to check the memory in MB.
- Fix the check_mem script in the NRPE role, adding cached RAM as free RAM
- Fix motd-carp-state.sh by updating the OpenBSD release in our customized motd after an upgrade
### Changed
- The PF role now use a variable for trusted IPs
## [6.8.2] - 2020-10-30
### Added
- Add a Logsentry role
## [6.8.1] - 2020-10-26
### Fixed
- Fix a task using a register where simple quotes prevented the register to be properly filled, breaking the following task
## [6.8.0] - 2020-10-23
### Added
- Add a PF tag to be able to skip that part when rerunning EvoBSD
- Add a doas authorization for NRPE check_ipsecctl_critiques
### Changed
- The task mail.yml replace the former boot/reboot message only if it is untouched
- Replace the variable used to set the email address in etc-git role - now using inventory_hostname
- Not checking syspatch when OpenBSD <= 6.1
- Amend fstab file adding noatime option to each entrie
- Import evocheck v.6.7.7
- Comment NRPE checks that cannot be used as is
### Fixed
- Add the creation of the NRPE plugins directory in nagios-nrpe role
- Add collectd doas rights in the base role to avoid broking anything if EvoBSD is rerun without the collectd role included
- Do not add the motd cron if the same line is already there but uncommented
- Amend fstab entries only when the filesystem is ffs
## [6.7.2] - 2020-10-13
### Added
- Now handling deletion of evobackup crontab (replaced by daily.local cron)
- Customize fstab with noexec and softdep
- Collectd role
### Changed
- Improve rc.local file configuration
- Update evocheck to version 6.7.5
- Hide default daily output mail content (VERBOSESTATUS=0)
- Add deletion of old log files in the OSPF role
### Fixed
- Fix duplicate evobackup cron if the entry is uncommented in daily.local
## [6.7.1] - 2020-09-10
### Added
- Add completions functions in root's profile dotfile
- Add check_connections_state.sh NRPE plugin
- Add an evocheck role
- Add stricter ssh and doas access
- Add an openvpn role
- Add an OpenBGPd NRPE plugin
- Add ospf and bgp roles
- Add an unbound NRPE check since it is part of the base system
- Add a motd-carp-state.sh script that checks the carp state and generates the /etc/motd file
### Changed
- Disable sndiod since it is not required on serveurs
- Replace sudo with doas for script executions
- Update evomaintenance version to 0.6.3
- Disable mouse function in vim configuration
- Drop openup since syspatch can apply stable patches now
- Update evobackup script
- Rewrite newsyslog configuration
- Drop postgresql-client package since evomaintenance use an API now