Jérémy Dubois 11d3331958
Some checks failed
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is failing
continuous-integration/drone/pr Build is failing
Collectd role : deletion of collectd_plugin_exec variable
This variable had to be activated only if collectd_plugin_exec_ifq_drops or
collectd_plugin_exec_dns_stats was also activated, for some configuration to be
taken into account. I changed the role so that the configuration is
automatically taken into account if one of these two variables is activated.
2020-10-12 15:45:13 +02:00

123 lines
2.7 KiB

Interval {{ collectd_interval }}
Timeout 2
LoadPlugin syslog
<Plugin syslog>
LogLevel warning
{% if (collectd_plugin_exec_ifq_drops is sameas true) or (collectd_plugin_exec_dns_stats is sameas true) %}
<LoadPlugin exec>
Interval {{ collectd_plugin_exec_interval }}
<Plugin exec>
{% if collectd_plugin_exec_ifq_drops is sameas true %}
Exec "_collectd" "/usr/local/share/collectd/scripts/ifq_drops.sh"
{% endif %}
{% if collectd_plugin_exec_dns_stats is sameas true %}
Exec "_collectd" "/usr/local/share/collectd/scripts/dns_stats.sh"
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if collectd_plugin_load is sameas true %}
LoadPlugin load
{% endif %}
{% if collectd_plugin_processes is sameas true %}
LoadPlugin processes
{% endif %}
{% if collectd_plugin_uptime is sameas true %}
LoadPlugin uptime
{% endif %}
{% if collectd_plugin_users is sameas true %}
LoadPlugin users
{% endif %}
{% if collectd_plugin_pf is sameas true %}
LoadPlugin pf
{% endif %}
{% if collectd_plugin_df is sameas true %}
LoadPlugin df
<Plugin df>
# expose host's mounts into container using -v /:/host:ro (location inside container does not matter much)
# ignore rootfs; else, the root file-system would appear twice, causing
# one of the updates to fail and spam the log
## Seems to be fixed with collectd 5.5+
## FSType rootfs
# ignore the usual virtual / temporary file-systems
FSType sysfs
FSType proc
FSType devtmpfs
FSType devpts
FSType tmpfs
FSType fusectl
FSType cgroup
FSType overlay
FSType debugfs
FSType pstore
FSType securityfs
FSType hugetlbfs
FSType squashfs
FSType mqueue
IgnoreSelected true
ReportByDevice false
ReportInodes true # Default false
ValuesAbsolute true
ValuesPercentage true
{% endif %}
{% if collectd_plugin_disk is sameas true %}
LoadPlugin disk
<Plugin "disk">
#Disk "/^[hsv]d[a-z]/"
IgnoreSelected false
{% endif %}
{% if collectd_plugin_cpu is sameas true %}
LoadPlugin cpu
<Plugin cpu>
ValuesPercentage true
{% endif %}
{% if collectd_plugin_memory is sameas true %}
LoadPlugin memory
<Plugin memory>
ValuesPercentage true
{% endif %}
{% if collectd_plugin_swap is sameas true %}
LoadPlugin swap
<Plugin swap>
ValuesPercentage true
{% endif %}
{% if collectd_plugin_interface is sameas true %}
LoadPlugin interface
<Plugin interface>
Interface "/^lo[0-9]*/"
Interface "/^veth.*/"
Interface "/^docker.*/"
IgnoreSelected true
ReportInactive false
{% endif %}
{% if collectd_plugin_tcpconns is sameas true %}
LoadPlugin tcpconns
<Plugin "tcpconns">
AllPortsSummary true
{% endif %}
LoadPlugin network
<Plugin "network">
Server "{{ collectd_server }}" "25826"