2024-03-22 14:25:30 +01:00

216 lines
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namespace Drush\Boot;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel;
use Drupal\Core\Extension\ExtensionPathResolver;
use Drush\Drupal\DrupalKernel as DrushDrupalKernel;
use Drush\Drupal\DrushServiceModifier;
use Drush\Log\LogLevel;
class DrupalBoot10 extends DrupalBoot {
* @var \Drupal\Core\DrupalKernelInterface
protected $kernel;
* @var \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request
protected $request;
function valid_root($path) {
if (!empty($path) && is_dir($path) && file_exists($path . '/autoload.php')) {
// Additional check for the presence of core/composer.json to
// grant it is not a Drupal 7 site with a base folder named "core".
$candidate = 'core/includes/';
if (file_exists($path . '/' . $candidate) && file_exists($path . '/core/')) {
if (file_exists($path . '/core/misc/drupal.js') || file_exists($path . '/core/assets/js/drupal.js')) {
return $candidate;
function get_version($drupal_root) {
// Load the autoloader so we can access the class constants.
// Drush depends on bootstrap being loaded at this point.
require_once $drupal_root .'/core/includes/';
if (defined('\Drupal::VERSION')) {
return \Drupal::VERSION;
function get_profile() {
// Favor Drupal::installProfile() if it exists.
if (method_exists('Drupal', 'installProfile')) {
return \Drupal::installProfile();
return \drupal_get_profile();
function conf_path($require_settings = TRUE, $reset = FALSE, Request $request = NULL) {
if (!isset($request)) {
if (\Drupal::hasRequest()) {
$request = \Drupal::request();
// @todo Remove once external CLI scripts (Drush) are updated.
else {
$request = Request::createFromGlobals();
if (\Drupal::hasService('kernel')) {
$site_path = \Drupal::service('kernel')->getSitePath();
if (!isset($site_path) || empty($site_path)) {
$site_path = DrupalKernel::findSitePath($request, $require_settings);
return $site_path;
function add_logger() {
// If we're running on Drupal 8 or later, we provide a logger which will send
// output to drush_log(). This should catch every message logged through every
// channel.
$container = \Drupal::getContainer();
$parser = $container->get('logger.log_message_parser');
$drushLogger = drush_get_context('DRUSH_LOG_CALLBACK');
$logger = new \Drush\Log\DrushLog($parser, $drushLogger);
function contrib_modules_paths() {
return array(
$this->conf_path() . '/modules',
* @return array of strings - paths to directories where contrib
* themes can be found
function contrib_themes_paths() {
return array(
$this->conf_path() . '/themes',
function bootstrap_drupal_core($drupal_root) {
$core = DRUPAL_ROOT . '/core';
return $core;
function bootstrap_drupal_database_validate() {
return parent::bootstrap_drupal_database_validate() && $this->bootstrap_drupal_database_has_table('key_value');
function bootstrap_drupal_database() {
// D8 omits this bootstrap level as nothing special needs to be done.
function bootstrap_drupal_configuration() {
$this->request = Request::createFromGlobals();
$classloader = drush_drupal_load_autoloader(DRUPAL_ROOT);
// @todo - use Request::create() and then no need to set PHP superglobals
$kernelClass = new \ReflectionClass('\Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel');
if ($kernelClass->hasMethod('addServiceModifier')) {
$this->kernel = DrupalKernel::createFromRequest($this->request, $classloader, 'prod');
else {
$this->kernel = DrushDrupalKernel::createFromRequest($this->request, $classloader, 'prod');
// @see Drush\Drupal\DrupalKernel::addServiceModifier()
$this->kernel->addServiceModifier(new DrushServiceModifier());
// Unset drupal error handler and restore Drush's one.
// Disable automated cron if the module is enabled.
$GLOBALS['config']['automated_cron.settings']['interval'] = 0;
function bootstrap_drupal_full() {
drush_log(dt('About to bootstrap the Drupal 10 Kernel.'), LogLevel::DEBUG);
// TODO: do we need to do ob_start any longer?
if (!drush_get_context('DRUSH_QUIET', FALSE)) {
if (method_exists($this->kernel, 'preHandle')) {
else {
if (!drush_get_context('DRUSH_QUIET', FALSE)) {
drush_log(dt('Finished bootstraping the Drupal 10 Kernel.'), LogLevel::DEBUG);
// Get a list of the modules to ignore
$ignored_modules = drush_get_option_list('ignored-modules', array());
// We have to get the service command list from the container, because
// it is constructed in an indirect way during the container initialization.
// The upshot is that the list of console commands is not available
// until after $kernel->boot() is called.
$container = \Drupal::getContainer();
if ($container->has('drush.service.consolecommands')) {
$serviceCommandlist = $container->get('drush.service.consolecommands');
foreach ($serviceCommandlist->getCommandList() as $command) {
if (!$this->commandIgnored($command, $ignored_modules)) {
drush_log(dt('Add a command: !name', ['!name' => $command->getName()]), LogLevel::DEBUG);
// Do the same thing with the annotation commands.
if ($container->has('drush.service.consolidationcommands')) {
$serviceCommandlist = $container->get('drush.service.consolidationcommands');
foreach ($serviceCommandlist->getCommandList() as $commandhandler) {
if (!$this->commandIgnored($commandhandler, $ignored_modules)) {
drush_log(dt('Add a commandhandler: !name', ['!name' => get_class($commandhandler)]), LogLevel::DEBUG);
public function commandIgnored($command, $ignored_modules) {
if (empty($ignored_modules)) {
return false;
$ignored_regex = '#\\\\(' . implode('|', $ignored_modules) . ')\\\\#';
$class = new \ReflectionClass($command);
$commandNamespace = $class->getNamespaceName();
return preg_match($ignored_regex, $commandNamespace);
* {@inheritdoc}
public function terminate() {
if ($this->kernel) {
$response = new Response('');
$this->kernel->terminate($this->request, $response);