# Ansible-public ``` $ ansible-playbook playbooks/evolinux.yml -i inventory/hosts -K ``` ## Conventions Our conventions for writting Ansible roles, playbooks… are in the CONVENTIONS.md file. ## Tests It's possible to use the `vagrant.yml` playbook locally, to test and debug the roles on a virtual machine. It works with a Virtualbox VM, driven by Vagrant. To install Virtualbox and Vagrant (version 1.8 is not available on Debian repositories yet) : ``` $ apt install virtualbox $ curl -O https://releases.hashicorp.com/vagrant/1.8.5/vagrant_1.8.5_x86_64.deb /tmp/ $ dpkg -i /tmp /vagrant_1.8.5_x86_64.deb ``` To bring the VM up and run the playbook, simply run `$ vagrant up` from the root of this repository. To destroy the VM and start again from scratch : `$ vagrant destroy && vagrant up`.