webapps/evoadmin-mail: package installed via public.evolix.org/evolix repo starting with Bookworm
All checks were successful
Ansible Lint |Total|New|Outstanding|Fixed|Trend |:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-: |2670|6|2664|7|:+1: Reference build: <a href="https://jenkins.evolix.org/job/gitea/job/ansible-roles/job/unstable/440//ansiblelint">Evolix » ansible-roles » unstable #440</a>
gitea/ansible-roles/pipeline/head This commit looks good

(H)acked-By: David Prévot <dprevot+git@evolix.fr>
This commit is contained in:
William Hirigoyen 2023-12-05 11:50:24 +01:00 committed by David Prevot
parent c2de4b4cd1
commit 9fb635b45f
2 changed files with 20 additions and 1 deletions

View file

@ -17,16 +17,17 @@ The **patch** part changes is incremented if multiple releases happen the same m
* apt: add task file to install ELTS repository (default: False)
* autosysadmin: Add a role to automatically deploy autosysadmin on evolixisation
* etc-git: add /var/chroot-bind/etc/bind repo
* kvm-host: Automatically add an LVM filter when LVM is present
* lxc-php: Allow one to install php83 on Bookworm container
* minifirewall: Fix nagios check for old versions of minifirewall
* mongodb: add gpg key for 7.0
* nagios-nrpe: add check_sentinel for monitoring Redis Sentinel
* remount-usr: do not try to remount /usr RW if /usr is not a mounted partition
* vrrpd: test if interface exists before deleting it
* webapps/evoadmin-mail: package can be installed via public.evolix.org/evolix repo starting from Bookworm
* webapps/nextcloud: Add condition for config tasks
* webapps/nextcloud: Added var nextcloud_user_uid to enforce uid for nextcloud user
* webapps/nextcloud: Set ownership and permissions of data directory
* kvm-host: Automatically add an LVM filter when LVM is present
### Changed
@ -50,6 +51,7 @@ The **patch** part changes is incremented if multiple releases happen the same m
* nagios: rename var `nagios_nrpe_process_processes` into `nagios_nrpe_processes` and check systemd-timesyncd instead of ntpd in Debian 12
* proftpd: in SFTP vhost, enable SSH keys login, enable ed25549 host key for Debian >= 11
* squid: config directory seems to have changed from /etc/squid3 to /etc/squid in Debian 8
* spamassassin: Use spamd starting with Bookworm
* unbound: Add config file to allow configuration reload on Debian 11 and lower
* unbound: Add munin configuration & setup plugin
* unbound: Big cleanup

View file

@ -4,10 +4,27 @@
name: evolix/remount-usr
- name: Get evoadmin-mail package
url: https://pub.evolix.org/evolix/pool/main/e/evoadmin-mail/evoadmin-mail_1.0.9-1_all.deb
dest: /tmp/evoadmin-mail.deb
when: ansible_distribution_major_version is version('12', '<')
- evoadmin-mail
- name: Install evoadmin-mail package
deb: /tmp/evoadmin-mail.deb
state: present
when: ansible_distribution_major_version is version('12', '<')
- evoadmin-mail
- name: Install evoadmin-mail package
name: evoadmin-mail
state: present
when: ansible_distribution_major_version is version('12', '>=')
- evoadmin-mail