diff --git a/evolinux-users/tasks/profile.yml b/evolinux-users/tasks/profile.yml index 0101d4be..99af2512 100644 --- a/evolinux-users/tasks/profile.yml +++ b/evolinux-users/tasks/profile.yml @@ -1,15 +1,16 @@ --- -- name: is evomaintenance installed? - stat: - path: "/usr/share/scripts/evomaintenance.sh" - register: evomaintenance_script - check_mode: no +- name: search profile for presence of evomaintenance + command: 'grep -q "trap.*sudo.*evomaintenance.sh"' + changed_when: False + failed_when: False + register: grep_profile_evomaintenance +# Don't add the trap if it is present or commented - name: "Add evomaintenance trap for '{{ user.name }}'" lineinfile: state: present dest: '/home/{{ user.name }}/.profile' insertafter: EOF line: 'trap "sudo /usr/share/scripts/evomaintenance.sh" 0' - when: evomaintenance_script.stat.exists + when: grep_profile_evomaintenance.rc != 0