This commit is contained in:
Jérémy Lecour 2024-02-06 08:41:58 +01:00 committed by Jérémy Lecour
parent 12993a8d7c
commit ba827b79d9
Signed by: jlecour
SSH key fingerprint: SHA256:h+5LgHRKwN9lS0SsdVR5yZPeFlJE4Mt+8UtL4CcP8dY

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@ -16,24 +16,24 @@ The **patch** part changes is incremented if multiple releases happen the same m
* Preliminary work for php83
* apt: add task file to install ELTS repository (default: False)
* autosysadmin: Add a role to automatically deploy autosysadmin on evolixisation
* check_free_space: added role
* etc-git: add /var/chroot-bind/etc/bind repo
* fail2ban: add script unban_ip
* generateldif: new Services for check_pressure_{cpu,io,mem}
* kvm-host: Automatically add an LVM filter when LVM is present
* lxc-php: Allow one to install php83 on Bookworm container
* minifirewall: Fix nagios check for old versions of minifirewall
* mongodb: add gpg key for 7.0
* nagios-nrpe: add check_sentinel for monitoring Redis Sentinel
* nagios-nrpe: new check_pressure_{cpu,io,mem}
* remount-usr: do not try to remount /usr RW if /usr is not a mounted partition
* vrrpd: configure minifirewall
* vrrpd: test if interface exists before deleting it
* webapps/evoadmin-mail: package installed via repo starting with Bookworm
* webapps/nextcloud: Add condition for archive tasks
* webapps/nextcloud: Add condition for config tasks
* webapps/nextcloud: Added var nextcloud_user_uid to enforce uid for nextcloud user
* webapps/nextcloud: Set ownership and permissions of data directory
* webapps/nextcloud: Add condition for archive tasks
* fail2ban: add script unban_ip
* check_free_space: added role
* nagios-nrpe: new check_pressure_{cpu,io,mem}
* generateldif: new Services for check_pressure_{cpu,io,mem}
* vrrpd: configure minifirewall
### Changed
@ -76,32 +76,32 @@ The **patch** part changes is incremented if multiple releases happen the same m
* apache: fix MaxRequestsPerChild value to be sync with wiki.e.o
* apt: use with Stretch
* certbot: fix hook for dovecot when more than one certificate is used (eg. different certificates for POP3 and IMAP)
* dovecot: add missing LDAP conf iterate_filter to exclude disabled accounts in users list (caused « User no longer exists » errors in commands listing users like « doveadm user -u '*' » or « doveadm expunge -u "*" mailbox INBOX savedbefore 7d »).
* dovecot: fix missing default mails
* dovecot: fix plugin dovecot1
* evoadmin-web: Fix PHP version for Bookworm
* evolinux-base: fix hardware.yml (wrong repo, missing update cache)
* evolinux-base: start to install linux-image-cloud-amd64 with Buster
* fail2ban: fix template marker
* minifirewall: ports 25, 53, 443, 993, 995 not opened publicly by default anymore, ports 20, 21, 110, 143 not opened semi-publicly by default anymore.
* nagios: fix default file to monitor for check_clamav_db
* nginx: add "when: not ansible_check_mode" in various tasks to prevent fail in check mode
* nginx: fix mistake between "check_mode: no" and "when: not ansible_check_mode" (fail in check mode)
* nginx: fix mistake between "check_mode: no" and "when: not ansible_check_mode" (fail in check mode)
* nginx: keep indentation
* nginx: take care of « already defined » and « not yet defined » server status suffix in check mode
* php: Bullseye/Sury > Honor the php_version asked in the repository
* php: drop apt_preferences(5) file for sury
* postfix: remove dependency on evolinux_fqdn var
* proftpd: set missing default listen IP for SFTP
* roundcube: set default SMTP port to 25 instead of 587, which failed because of missing SSL conf (local connexion does not need SSL)
* ssl: no not execute haproxy tasks and reload if haproxy is disabled
* unbound: Add a apt cache validity to enforce an apt update if needed
* webapps/nextcloud: added check that nextcloud uid is over 3000
* webapps/nextcloud: fix Add Ceph volume to fstab : missing UUID= in src
* webapps/nextcloud: fix misplaced gid attribute
* webapps/nextcloud: fix missing gid
* minifirewall: ports 25, 53, 443, 993, 995 not opened publicly by default anymore, ports 20, 21, 110, 143 not opened semi-publicly by default anymore.
* dovecot: add missing LDAP conf iterate_filter to exclude disabled accounts in users list (caused « User no longer exists » errors in commands listing users like « doveadm user -u '*' » or « doveadm expunge -u "*" mailbox INBOX savedbefore 7d »).
* dovecot: fix missing default mails
* webapps/roundcube & evoadminmail: make roles more idempotent (were failing when played twice)
* nginx: fix mistake between "check_mode: no" and "when: not ansible_check_mode" (fail in check mode)
* nginx: add "when: not ansible_check_mode" in various tasks to prevent fail in check mode
* postfix: remove dependency on evolinux_fqdn var
* roundcube: set default SMTP port to 25 instead of 587, which failed because of missing SSL conf (local connexion does not need SSL)
### Removed