WIP: Add maxscale role #106

mtrossevin wants to merge 9 commits from mtrossevin/ansible-roles:add-maxscale into unstable
13 changed files with 258 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ The **patch** part changes incrementally at each release.
### Added ### Added
* varnish: variable for jail configuration * varnish: variable for jail configuration
* maxscale: New role to setup a MariaDB Maxscale server
### Changed ### Changed

maxscale/README.md Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
# maxscale
Install MariaDB MaxScale on a server.
## Tasks
Tasks are separated in several files, included in `tasks/main.yml`:
* `packages_stretch.yml`: repository and packages installation
* `mysql_add_user.yml`: An utility task to add the two users used by MaxScale on a MySQL cluster
* `config_stretch.yml`: configuration
## Variables
* `maxscale_version`: the version of MariaDB MaxScale to install
* `maxscale_mysql_user`: the mysql user MaxScale use to get the list of databases/users/tables/… on the MySQL cluster.
* `maxscale_mysql_password`: the plaintext password MaxScale use to connect on the cluster with `maxscale_mysql_user`.
* `encrypted_maxscale_mysql_password`: the same variable as above but encrypted by maxpasswd on the MaxScale server (currently the plaintext version is still needed if `mysql_add_user.yml` is used).
* `maxscale_monitor_user`: the mysql user MaxScale use to check the status of the MySQL servers.
* `maxscale_monitor_password`: the plaintext password of `maxscale_monitor_user`.
* `encrypted_maxscale_mysql_password`: the same variable as above but encrypted by maxpasswd on the MaxScale server (currently the plaintext version is still needed if `mysql_add_user.yml` is used).
* `maxscale_mysql_master`: (optional) the master server ansible will create `maxscale_mysql_user` and `maxscale_monitor_user` on (keeping it `Null` cause `mysql_add_user.yml` to not be included).
* `maxscale_mysql_servers`: list of the MySQL servers of the cluster MaxScale should monitor and connect to.
* `maxscale_services`: list of services MaxScale will define and the ports they should listen to.

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@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
maxscale_version: 2.4
# The passwords needs to be either unencrypted or encrypted with maxpasswd on
# the MaxScale server.
maxscale_mysql_user: maxscale
maxscale_mysql_password: Null
encrypted_maxscale_mysql_password: Null
maxscale_monitor_user: monitor_user
maxscale_monitor_password: Null
encrypted_maxscale_monitor_password: Null
# Define this variable if you want ansible to create the two users on the MySQL server
# through delegation
maxscale_mysql_master: Null
maxscale_mysql_servers: []
# Example (port is optional and default to 3306):
# maxscale_mysql_servers:
# - name: db1
# address:
# port: 3306
- name: "Splitter"
router: "readwritesplit"
port: 3306
options: []
filters: []
# Full example:
# maxscale_services:
# - name: "ExampleServ"
# router: "readwritesplit"
# port: 3306
# filters:
# - 'ExampleFilter'
# options: []
maxscale_filters: []
# Example:
# maxscale_filters:
# - name: 'ExampleFilter'
# module: 'dbfwfilter'
# options:
# - name: 'rules'
# value: 'examplefilter.txt'

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
- name: 'restart maxscale'
name: maxscale
state: restarted

maxscale/meta/main.yml Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
author: Evolix
description: Install MariaDB Maxscale
issue_tracker_url: https://gitea.evolix.org/evolix/ansible-roles/issues
license: GPLv2
min_ansible_version: 2.4
- name: Debian
- stretch
- buster
dependencies: []
# List your role dependencies here, one per line.
# Be sure to remove the '[]' above, if you add dependencies
# to this list.

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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
- name: "Create key for password encryption"
cmd: "/usr/bin/maxkeys"
creates: "/var/lib/maxscale/.secrets"
tags: maxscale
- name: "Encrypt mysql password for saving in configuration"
cmd: "/usr/bin/maxpasswd {{ maxscale_mysql_password|quote }}"
register: encrypt_maxscale_mysql_password_result
when: encrypted_maxscale_mysql_password is none
tags: maxscale
- name: "Encrypt monitor password for saving in configuration"
cmd: "/usr/bin/maxpasswd {{ maxscale_monitor_password|quote }}"
register: encrypt_maxscale_monitor_password_result
when: encrypted_maxscale_monitor_password is none
tags: maxscale
- name: "Copy the configuration"
src: "maxscale.cnf.j2"
dest: "/etc/maxscale.cnf"
owner: 'root'
group: 'root'
mode: '0644'
notify: 'restart maxscale'
tags: maxscale

maxscale/tasks/main.yml Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
- include: packages_stretch.yml
- include: mysql_add_user.yml
when: maxscale_mysql_master is string
- include: config_stretch.yml

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@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
- name: "Create maxscale user on MySQL master"
name: "{{ maxscale_mysql_user }}"
password: "{{ maxscale_mysql_password }}"
host: "{{ item }}"
priv: 'mysql.user:SELECT/mysql.db:SELECT/mysql.tables_priv:SELECT/mysql.roles_mapping:SELECT/*.*:SHOW DATABASES'
state: present
delegate_to: "{{ maxscale_mysql_master }}"
loop: "{{ ansible_facts['all_ipv4_addresses'] }}"
tags: maxscale
- name: "Create monitor user on MySQL master"
name: "{{ maxscale_monitor_user }}"
password: "{{ maxscale_monitor_password }}"
host: "{{ item }}"
state: present
delegate_to: "{{ maxscale_mysql_master }}"
loop: "{{ ansible_facts['all_ipv4_addresses'] }}"
tags: maxscale

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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
- name: "Install MariaDB keys"
keyserver: keyserver.ubuntu.com
id: "{{ item }}"
- "0x13cfde6dd9ee9784f41af0f670e4618a8167ee24"
- "0x4c470fffefc4d3dc59778655ce1a3dd5e3c94f49"
- "0x199369e5404bd5fc7d2fe43bcbcb082a1bb943db"
- "0x177f4010fe56ca3336300305f1656f24c74cd1d8"
- "0x7b963f525ad3ae6259058d30135659e928c12247"
tags: maxscale
- name: "Add MariaDB MaxScale repository"
repo: "deb https://downloads.mariadb.com/MaxScale/{{ maxscale_version }}/debian {{ ansible_distribution_release }} main"
state: present
filename: mariadb-maxscale
tags: maxscale
- name: "Install MariaDB MaxScale"
name: maxscale
state: present
tags: maxscale

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@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
threads = auto
{% for server in maxscale_mysql_servers %}
[{{ server['name'] }}]
type = server
address = {{ server['address'] }}
port = {{ server['port']|default(3306) }}
protocol = MariaDBBackend
{% endfor %}
type = monitor
module = mariadbmon
servers = {% for server in maxscale_mysql_servers %}{{ server['name'] }}{% if not loop.last %}, {% endif %}{% endfor %}
user = {{ maxscale_monitor_user }}
{% if encrypted_maxscale_monitor_password is none %}
password = {{ encrypt_maxscale_monitor_password_result['stdout'] }}
{% else %}
password = {{ encrypted_maxscale_monitor_password }}
{% endif %}
monitor_interval = 2000
{% for service in maxscale_services %}
[{{ service['name'] }}-Service]
type = service
router = {{ service['router'] }}
cluster = MariaDB-Monitor
user = {{ maxscale_mysql_user }}
{% if encrypted_maxscale_mysql_password is none %}
password = {{ encrypt_maxscale_mysql_password_result['stdout'] }}
{% else %}
password = {{ encrypted_maxscale_mysql_password }}
{% endif %}
{% if service['filters'] is defined and service['filters'] %}
filters = {% for _filter in service['filters'] %}{{ _filter }}{% if not loop.last %} | {% endif %}{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if service['options'] is defined %}
{% for option in service['options'] %}
{{ option['name'] }} = {{ option['value'] }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
[{{ service['name'] }}-Listener]
type = listener
service = {{ service['name'] }}-Service
protocol = MariaDBClient
port = {{ service['port'] }}
{% endfor %}
{% for _filter in maxscale_filters %}
[{{ _filter['name'] }}]
type = filter
module = {{ _filter['module'] }}
{% for option in _filter['options'] %}
{{ option['name'] }} = {{ option['value'] }}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

maxscale/tests/inventory Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

maxscale/tests/test.yml Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
- hosts: test-kitchen
maxscale_mysql_password: maxscale-pwd
maxscale_monitor_password: mypwd
- # Need at least one server
- maxscale

maxscale/vars/main.yml Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
# vars file for maxscale