#!/usr/bin/env ruby # We use old ruby 1.8.7 # rubocop:disable Style/HashSyntax # We match all exceptions except SystemExit to redefine exit status for nagios # rubocop:disable Lint/RescueException # Other disables # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/LineLength, Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/ClassLength # Nagios exit codes module NagiosStatus OK = 0 WARNING = 1 CRITICAL = 2 end # Top level module module CheckGluster require 'optparse' PARAMS = { # gluster command :gluster_command => '/usr/sbin/gluster', :glusterd_pid_path => '/var/run/glusterd.pid', # Daemons to check with gluster volume status :check_running_daemons => { 'bitrot' => ['Bitrot Daemon', 'Scrubber Daemon'], 'heal' => ['Self-heal Daemon'], 'nfs' => ['NFS Server'] }, # Parameters to re-run failed command :rerun => { :times => 10, :delay => 0.5 }, # persistent state file :state_file => '/var/run/check_gluster_state.yaml', :state_ttl => 1200, :self_name => '' }.freeze # Parse command line options class OptionsParser attr_reader :checks, :state_file, :state_ttl, :self_name def initialize @checks = PARAMS[:check_running_daemons].keys @state_file = PARAMS[:state_file] @state_ttl = PARAMS[:state_ttl] @self_name = PARAMS[:self_name] end def parse! option_parser = OptionParser.new option_parser.on( '-c', '--checks ' + @checks.join(','), Array, 'Checks to run. Default is ' + @checks.join(',') ) do |list| list.each do |check| raise OptionParser::InvalidOption, check.to_s unless @checks.include? check end @checks = list end option_parser.on( '-s', '--state-file /path/to/file', String, 'State storage file. Default is ' + @state_file ) do |x| @state_file = x.to_s end option_parser.on( '-n', '--self-name address', String, 'IP of self as far as glusterd know. Default is ' + @self_name ) do |x| @self_name = x.to_s end option_parser.on( '-t', '--ttl seconds', Integer, 'State storage TTL. Default is ' + @state_ttl.to_s ) do |x| @state_ttl = x.to_i end begin option_parser.parse! @checks rescue OptionParser::InvalidOption, OptionParser::MissingArgument, OptionParser::InvalidArgument => ex puts "Error: #{ex.message}" puts option_parser.help exit(NagiosStatus::CRITICAL) end end end # Actual check class class Check begin require 'open3' require 'rubygems' $VERBOSE = nil require 'crack' $VERBOSE = true require 'socket' require 'yaml' rescue Exception => ex puts ex.message exit(NagiosStatus::CRITICAL) end def initialize(*var) var = var.shift @state_file = var.nil? && var[:state_file].nil? ? PARAMS[:state_file] : var[:state_file] @state_ttl = var.nil? && var[:state_ttl].nil? ? PARAMS[:state_ttl] : var[:state_ttl] end def check_glusterd pid = File.open(PARAMS[:glusterd_pid_path], &:readline).to_i Process.kill('CHLD', pid) rescue Errno::ESRCH raise 'Glusterd is not running' end def get_services_from_checks(checks) services = [] checks.each do |check| PARAMS[:check_running_daemons][check].each do |service| services.concat(any_to_array(service)) end end services end def gluster(command, xml = true) data = { 'stdout' => '', 'error' => '', 'status' => 1 } command = '--xml ' + command if xml Open3.popen3(PARAMS[:gluster_command] + ' ' + command) do |stdin, stdout, stderr, wait_thr| stdin.close data['stdout'] = stdout.read data['sterr'] = stderr.read data['status'] = wait_thr.value end raise data['status'].to_s + ' : ' + data['stdout'] unless data['status'].success? return data['stdout'] unless xml data = Crack::XML.parse(data['stdout']) if data['cliOutput']['opRet'].to_i != 0 || data['cliOutput']['opErrno'].to_i != 0 raise "Error on #{command} : #{data['cliOutput']['opErrstr']}" end data['cliOutput'] end def peer_status peers = gluster('peer status')['peerStatus']['peer'] peers = any_to_array(peers) peers.each do |peer| raise "#{peer['hostname']} is disconnected" unless peer['connected'].to_i == 1 raise "#{peer['hostname']} has wrong state #{peer['state']}" unless peer['state'].to_i == 3 end end def pool_list peers = gluster('pool list')['peerStatus']['peer'] peers = any_to_array(peers) peers.each do |peer| raise "#{peer['hostname']} is disconnected" unless peer['connected'].to_i == 1 raise "#{peer['hostname']} has wrong state #{peer['state']}" if peer['hostname'] != 'localhost' && peer['state'].to_i != 3 end end def volume_list volumes = gluster('volume list')['volList']['volume'] any_to_array(volumes) end def volume_info(volume) volume = gluster("volume info #{volume}")['volInfo']['volumes']['volume'] raise "volume #{volume['name']} is stopped" unless volume['status'].to_i == 1 # volume info is not well formated XML volume['bricks']['brick'].map { |s| s.gsub(/.*/, '').split(':') } end def volume_status(volume, bricks, checks, self_name) nodes = gluster("volume status #{volume}")['volStatus']['volumes']['volume']['node'] nodes = any_to_array(nodes) # Check that all bricks are running bricks.each do |brick| raise "volume #{brick[0]}:#{brick[1]} is not running" unless check_running(nodes, brick[0], brick[1]) # Check that processes are running get_services_from_checks(checks).each do |daemon| brick_to_check = brick[0] if brick[0] == self_name brick_to_check = 'localhost' end raise "Daemon #{brick[0]}:\"#{daemon}\" is not started" unless check_running(nodes, daemon, brick_to_check) end end end def check_running(nodes, hostname, path) nodes.each do |node| return true if node['hostname'] == hostname && node['path'] == path && node['status'].to_i == 1 end false end def volume_heal_info(volume) info = gluster("volume heal #{volume} info", false).split("\n") info = parse_heal(info) if @state_ttl > 0 info = merge_heal(load_state(@state_file), info) store_state(@state_file, info) end split_entries = [] time = Time.now.to_i info.each do |brick, data| raise "Brick #{brick} is disconnected" unless data['status'] data['content'].each do |line, saved_time| if @state_ttl == 0 split_entries.push(brick + line) elsif time - saved_time >= @state_ttl split_entries.push(brick + line + '=' + (time - saved_time).to_s + 's') end end end raise 'Files are split-brained : ' + split_entries.join(' ') unless split_entries.empty? end def parse_heal(info) bricks = {} brick = '' time = Time.now.to_i info.each do |line| if line =~ /^Brick / brick = line.gsub(/^Brick /, '') bricks[brick] = { 'content' => {} } elsif line =~ /^Status: Connected/ bricks[brick]['status'] = true elsif line =~ /^Status.*/ bricks[brick]['status'] = false elsif line =~ /^Number of entries: / bricks[brick]['entries'] = line.gsub(/^Number of entries: /, '').to_i else line.gsub!(/\s+$/, '') bricks[brick]['content'][line] = time if line != '' end end bricks end def merge_heal(old, new) old.each do |brick, data| data['content'].each do |line, time| new[brick]['content'][line] = time if new.key?(brick) && new[brick]['content'].key?(line) end end new end def store_state(file, data) fh = File.open(file, File::WRONLY | File::CREAT | File::TRUNC, 0600) fh.flock(File::LOCK_EX) fh.write(data.to_yaml) fh.close end def load_state(file) return {} unless File.exist?(file) fh = File.open(file, File::RDONLY) fh.flock(File::LOCK_EX) data = fh.read fh.close begin data = YAML.load(data) raise LoadError if data.class.to_s != 'Hash' rescue Psych::SyntaxError, LoadError raise 'file ' + file.to_s + ' has incorrect format' end data end # rubocop:disable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity def volume_bitrot_scrub_status(volume) info = [] i = 0 # Try to run bitrot scrub status not more than 10 times while info.empty? i += 1 begin info = gluster("volume bitrot #{volume} scrub status", false).split("\n") rescue ArgumentError => ex raise ex if ex.message != 'invalid byte sequence in UTF-8' || i > PARAMS[:rerun][:times] sleep PARAMS[:rerun][:delay] end end status = parse_bitrot_status(info) raise 'BitRot is not enabled' unless status['state'] status['nodes'].each do |node, _v| raise "BitRot error on #{node}" unless status['nodes'][node]['errors'] == 0 end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity def parse_bitrot_status(info) info.map! { |s| s.gsub(/localhost/, Socket.gethostname) } status = { 'state' => false, 'nodes' => {} } node = '' info.each do |line| if line =~ /^State of scrub: Active/ status['state'] = true elsif line =~ /^Node: / node = line.gsub(/^Node: /, '') status['nodes'][node] = {} elsif line =~ /^Error count: / status['nodes'][node]['errors'] = line.gsub(/^Error count: /, '').to_i end end status end def any_to_array(any) return [any] if any.class.to_s != 'Array' any end private :get_services_from_checks, :gluster, :any_to_array private :check_running, :parse_heal, :parse_bitrot_status private :merge_heal, :store_state, :load_state end end begin # Parse parameters option_parser = CheckGluster::OptionsParser.new option_parser.parse! checks = option_parser.checks self_name = option_parser.self_name # Run gluster checks gluster_check = CheckGluster::Check.new(:state_file => option_parser.state_file, :state_ttl => option_parser.state_ttl) gluster_check.check_glusterd gluster_check.peer_status gluster_check.pool_list gluster_check.volume_list.each do |volume| bricks = gluster_check.volume_info(volume) gluster_check.volume_status(volume, bricks, checks, self_name) gluster_check.volume_heal_info(volume) if checks.include? 'heal' gluster_check.volume_bitrot_scrub_status(volume) if checks.include? 'bitrot' end puts 'OK: Gluster cluster is healthy' exit(NagiosStatus::OK) # Normal exit rescue SystemExit => ex raise ex # Anything else goes to nagios error with critial status rescue Exception => ex puts "Error: #{ex.message}" exit(NagiosStatus::CRITICAL) end # rubocop:enable all