#!/bin/bash function detect_pool_dir() { # Try to autodetect pool directory php_version=$(php --version |head -n1 | sed -E 's/^PHP ([0-9]\.[0-9]).*/\1/g') if [[ $php_version =~ ^5. ]]; then echo "/etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/"; else echo "/etc/php/$php_version/fpm/pool.d/"; fi } return=0 nb_crit=0 nb_warn=0 nb_ok=0 nb_unchk=0 output="" # We want globbing to be expanded here # shellcheck disable=SC2206 readonly POOL_FOLDER=( ${1:-$(detect_pool_dir)} ) if [ "${#POOL_FOLDER[@]}" -gt 1 ]; then echo "CRITICAL - '${POOL_FOLDER[*]}' contains more than one directories" exit 2 fi; if [[ ! -d "${POOL_FOLDER[0]}" ]]; then echo "CRITICAL - ${POOL_FOLDER[0]} does not exists" exit 2 fi; readonly POOL_FILES=$(find "${POOL_FOLDER[0]}" -name "*.conf") for pool_file in $POOL_FILES; do pool_name=$(grep "^\[" "$pool_file" | sed -E 's/^\[(.*)\].*$/\1/g') pool_status_path=$(grep -E "^pm.status_path\s?=" "$pool_file" | sed -E "s/.*=\s?'?([^']*)'?\s?$/\1/g") pool_listen=$(grep -E "^listen\s?=" "$pool_file" | sed -E 's/.*=\s?(.*)\s?$/\1/g') pool_max_children=$(grep -E "^pm.max_children" "$pool_file" | sed -E 's/.*=\s?(.*)\s?$/\1/g' ) pool_crit_procs=$(expr $pool_max_children \* 85 / 100) pool_warn_procs=$(expr $pool_max_children \* 55 / 100) if [[ "$pool_status_path" == '' ]]; then nb_unchk=$((nb_unchk + 1)) output="${output}UNCHK - ${pool_name} (missing pm.status_path definition)\n" continue; fi; if [[ -S "$pool_listen" ]] || [[ ! "$pool_listen" =~ ':' ]]; then target=(-H --unix "$pool_listen") else target=(-H "$(echo "$pool_listen" | cut -d':' -f1)" -p "$(echo "$pool_listen" | cut -d':' -f2 )") fi result=$(perl /usr/local/lib/nagios/plugins/check_phpfpm_status.pl -t 5 "${target[@]}" -u "$pool_status_path" -c "$pool_crit_procs" -w "$pool_warn_procs" ) ret="${?}" if [ "${ret}" -ge 2 ]; then nb_crit=$((nb_crit + 1)) [ "${return}" -le 2 ] && return=2 elif [ "${ret}" -ge 1 ]; then nb_warn=$((nb_warn + 1)) [ "${return}" -le 1 ] && return=1 else nb_ok=$((nb_ok + 1)) [ "${return}" -le 0 ] && return=0 fi result_status=$(echo ${result} | awk -F' - ' '{ print $1}') result_content=$(echo ${result} | awk -F' - ' '{ print $2}') output="${output}${result_status} - ${pool_file} - ${result_content}\n" done [ "${return}" -ge 0 ] && header="OK" [ "${return}" -ge 1 ] && header="WARNING" [ "${return}" -ge 2 ] && header="CRITICAL" printf "%s - %s UNCHK / %s CRIT / %s WARN / %s OK\n\n" "${header}" "${nb_unchk}" "${nb_crit}" "${nb_warn}" "${nb_ok}" printf "%b" "${output}" | grep -E "(CRITICAL|UNKNOWN)" printf "%b" "${output}" | grep -E "WARNING" printf "%b" "${output}" | grep -E "OK" printf "%b" "${output}" | grep -E "^UNCHK" exit "${return}"