# lxc-solr Create one or more LXC containers with Solr in the version of your choice. *note : this role depend on the lxc role.* ## Tasks Everything is in the `tasks/main.yml` file. ## Available variables Since this role depend on the lxc role, please refer to it for a full variable list related to the lxc containers setup. * `lxc_containers`: list of LXC containers to create. Default: `[]` (empty). * `name`: name of the LXC container to create. * `release`: Debian version to install * `solr_version`: Solr version to install *(refer to https://archive.apache.org/dist/solr/solr/ for a full version list)* * `solr_port`: port for Solr to listen on Eg.: ``` lxc_containers: - name: solr8 release: stretch solr_version: 6.6.6 solr_port: 8983 ```