--- # md5sum for squid logrotate file : # # --check reads stdin for a list of files and md5 sums # the list contains the checksum for the file provided by Stretch # # We don't use --status so we can debug if needed # # With that command we can check if the logrotate file for squid # is the one provided by the package. - name: check if logrotate file is default ansible.builtin.shell: cmd: 'printf "c210feea019412adac8a5d5dcba427af /etc/logrotate.d/{{ squid_daemon_name }}" | md5sum --check' changed_when: False failed_when: False check_mode: no register: squid_logrotate_md5 tags: - squid - name: logrotate configuration ansible.builtin.template: src: logrotate_stretch.j2 dest: /etc/logrotate.d/{{ squid_daemon_name }} force: yes when: squid_logrotate_md5.rc == 0 tags: - squid