--- - ansible.builtin.debug: var: minifirewall_trusted_ips verbosity: 1 - ansible.builtin.debug: var: minifirewall_privilegied_ips verbosity: 1 - name: Stat minifirewall config file (before) ansible.builtin.stat: path: "{{ minifirewall_main_file }}" register: minifirewall_before - name: Check if minifirewall is running ansible.builtin.shell: cmd: /sbin/iptables -L -n | grep -E "^(DROP\s+udp|ACCEPT\s+icmp)\s+--\s+0\.0\.0\.0\/0\s+0\.0\.0\.0\/0\s*$" changed_when: False failed_when: False check_mode: no register: minifirewall_is_running - ansible.builtin.debug: var: minifirewall_is_running verbosity: 1 - name: Begin marker for IP addresses ansible.builtin.lineinfile: dest: "{{ minifirewall_main_file }}" line: "# BEGIN ANSIBLE MANAGED BLOCK FOR IPS" insertbefore: '^# Main interface' create: no - name: End marker for IP addresses ansible.builtin.lineinfile: dest: "{{ minifirewall_main_file }}" create: no line: "# END ANSIBLE MANAGED BLOCK FOR IPS" insertafter: '^PRIVILEGIEDIPS=' - name: Verify that at least 1 trusted IP is provided ansible.builtin.assert: that: minifirewall_trusted_ips | length > 0 msg: You must provide at least 1 trusted IP - ansible.builtin.debug: msg: "Warning: minifirewall_trusted_ips='', the firewall is useless!" when: minifirewall_trusted_ips == [""] - name: Configure IP addresses ansible.builtin.blockinfile: dest: "{{ minifirewall_main_file }}" marker: "# {mark} ANSIBLE MANAGED BLOCK FOR IPS" block: | # Main interface INT='{{ minifirewall_int }}' # IPv6 IPV6='{{ minifirewall_ipv6 }}' # Docker Mode # Changes the behaviour of minifirewall to not break the containers' network # For instance, turning it on will disable nat table purge # Also, we'll add the DOCKER-USER chain, in iptable DOCKER='{{ minifirewall_docker }}' # Trusted IPv4 local network # ...will be often IP/32 if you don't trust anything INTLAN='{{ minifirewall_intlan }}' # Trusted IPv4 addresses for private and semi-public services TRUSTEDIPS='{{ minifirewall_trusted_ips | join(' ') }}' # Privilegied IPv4 addresses for semi-public services # (no need to add again TRUSTEDIPS) PRIVILEGIEDIPS='{{ minifirewall_privilegied_ips | join(' ') }}' create: no register: minifirewall_config_ips - name: Begin marker for ports ansible.builtin.lineinfile: dest: "{{ minifirewall_main_file }}" line: "# BEGIN ANSIBLE MANAGED BLOCK FOR PORTS" insertbefore: '^# Protected services' create: no - name: End marker for ports ansible.builtin.lineinfile: dest: "{{ minifirewall_main_file }}" line: "# END ANSIBLE MANAGED BLOCK FOR PORTS" insertafter: '^SERVICESUDP3=' create: no - name: Configure ports ansible.builtin.blockinfile: dest: "{{ minifirewall_main_file }}" marker: "# {mark} ANSIBLE MANAGED BLOCK FOR PORTS" block: | # Protected services # (add also in Public services if needed) SERVICESTCP1p='{{ minifirewall_protected_ports_tcp | join(' ') }}' SERVICESUDP1p='{{ minifirewall_protected_ports_udp | join(' ') }}' # Public services (IPv4/IPv6) SERVICESTCP1='{{ minifirewall_public_ports_tcp | join(' ') }}' SERVICESUDP1='{{ minifirewall_public_ports_udp | join(' ') }}' # Semi-public services (IPv4) SERVICESTCP2='{{ minifirewall_semipublic_ports_tcp | join(' ') }}' SERVICESUDP2='{{ minifirewall_semipublic_ports_udp | join(' ') }}' # Private services (IPv4) SERVICESTCP3='{{ minifirewall_private_ports_tcp | join(' ') }}' SERVICESUDP3='{{ minifirewall_private_ports_udp | join(' ') }}' create: no register: minifirewall_config_ports - name: Configure DNSSERVEURS ansible.builtin.lineinfile: dest: "{{ minifirewall_main_file }}" line: "DNSSERVEURS='{{ minifirewall_dns_servers | join(' ') }}'" regexp: "DNSSERVEURS='.*'" create: no when: minifirewall_dns_servers is not none - name: Configure HTTPSITES ansible.builtin.lineinfile: dest: "{{ minifirewall_main_file }}" line: "HTTPSITES='{{ minifirewall_http_sites | join(' ') }}'" regexp: "HTTPSITES='.*'" create: no when: minifirewall_http_sites is not none - name: Configure HTTPSSITES ansible.builtin.lineinfile: dest: "{{ minifirewall_main_file }}" line: "HTTPSSITES='{{ minifirewall_https_sites | join(' ') }}'" regexp: "HTTPSSITES='.*'" create: no when: minifirewall_https_sites is not none - name: Configure FTPSITES ansible.builtin.lineinfile: dest: "{{ minifirewall_main_file }}" line: "FTPSITES='{{ minifirewall_ftp_sites | join(' ') }}'" regexp: "FTPSITES='.*'" create: no when: minifirewall_ftp_sites is not none - name: Configure SSHOK ansible.builtin.lineinfile: dest: "{{ minifirewall_main_file }}" line: "SSHOK='{{ minifirewall_ssh_ok | join(' ') }}'" regexp: "SSHOK='.*'" create: no when: minifirewall_ssh_ok is not none - name: Configure SMTPOK ansible.builtin.lineinfile: dest: "{{ minifirewall_main_file }}" line: "SMTPOK='{{ minifirewall_smtp_ok | join(' ') }}'" regexp: "SMTPOK='.*'" create: no when: minifirewall_smtp_ok is not none - name: Configure SMTPSECUREOK ansible.builtin.lineinfile: dest: "{{ minifirewall_main_file }}" line: "SMTPSECUREOK='{{ minifirewall_smtp_secure_ok | join(' ') }}'" regexp: "SMTPSECUREOK='.*'" create: no when: minifirewall_smtp_secure_ok is not none - name: Configure NTPOK ansible.builtin.lineinfile: dest: "{{ minifirewall_main_file }}" line: "NTPOK='{{ minifirewall_ntp_ok | join(' ') }}'" regexp: "NTPOK='.*'" create: no when: minifirewall_ntp_ok is not none - name: evomaintenance ansible.builtin.lineinfile: dest: "{{ minifirewall_main_file }}" line: "/sbin/iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --sport 5432 --dport 1024:65535 -s {{ item }} -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT" insertafter: "^# EvoMaintenance" loop: "{{ evomaintenance_hosts }}" - name: remove minifirewall example rule for the evomaintenance ansible.builtin.lineinfile: dest: "{{ minifirewall_main_file }}" regexp: '^#.*(--sport 5432).*(-s X\.X\.X\.X)' state: absent when: evomaintenance_hosts | length > 0 - name: Stat minifirewall config file (after) ansible.builtin.stat: path: "{{ minifirewall_main_file }}" register: minifirewall_after - name: Schedule minifirewall restart (legacy) ansible.builtin.command: cmd: /bin/true notify: "restart minifirewall (legacy)" when: - minifirewall_install_mode == 'legacy' - minifirewall_restart_if_needed | bool - minifirewall_is_running.rc == 0 - minifirewall_before.stat.checksum != minifirewall_after.stat.checksum or minifirewall_upgrade_script is changed or minifirewall_upgrade_config is changed - ansible.builtin.debug: var: minifirewall_init_restart verbosity: 2