--- ## H745: Broadcom / LSI MegaRAID Tri-Mode SAS3516 (rev 01) # This is OK ## H750: Broadcom / LSI MegaRAID 12GSAS/PCIe Secure SAS39xx # This is still incompatible with Debian - name: Check if PERC HBA11 device is present ansible.builtin.shell: cmd: "lspci | grep -qE 'MegaRAID.*SAS39xx'" check_mode: no register: perc_hba11_search failed_when: False changed_when: False tags: - packages - name: MegaCLI SAS package must not be installed if PERC HBA11 is present block: - name: Disable harware RAID tasks ansible.builtin.set_fact: evolinux_packages_hardware_raid: False - name: blacklist mageclisas-status package ansible.builtin.blockinfile: dest: /etc/apt/preferences.d/0-blacklist create: yes marker: "## {mark} MEGACLISAS-STATUS BLACKLIST" block: | # DO NOT INSTALL THESE PACKAGES ON THIS SERVER Package: megacli megaclisas-status Pin: version * Pin-Priority: -100 - name: Remove MegaCLI packages ansible.builtin.apt: name: - megacli - megaclisas-status state: absent when: perc_hba11_search.rc == 0 - name: "Ensure {{ apt_keyring_dir }} directory exists" file: path: "{{ apt_keyring_dir }}" state: directory mode: "755" owner: root group: root - name: MegaCLI SAS package is present block: - name: HWRaid GPG key is installed ansible.builtin.copy: src: hwraid.le-vert.net.asc dest: "{{ apt_keyring_dir }}/hwraid.le-vert.net.asc" force: true mode: "0644" owner: root group: root tags: - packages when: ansible_distribution_major_version is version('9', '>=') - name: Add HW tool repository (Debian <12) ansible.builtin.apt_repository: repo: 'deb [signed-by={{ apt_keyring_dir }}/hwraid.le-vert.net.asc] http://hwraid.le-vert.net/debian {{ ansible_distribution_release }} main' state: present update_cache: yes tags: - packages when: - ansible_distribution_major_version is version('12', '<') - name: Add HW tool repository (Debian >=12) ansible.builtin.template: src: hardware/hwraid.le-vert.net.sources.j2 dest: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hwraid.le-vert.net.sources tags: - packages register: hwraid_sources when: ansible_distribution_major_version is version('12', '>=') - name: Update APT cache ansible.builtin.apt: update_cache: yes when: hwraid_sources is changed - name: Install packages for DELL/LSI hardware ansible.builtin.apt: name: - megacli - megaclisas-status allow_unauthenticated: yes tags: - packages - name: Configure packages for DELL/LSI hardware ansible.builtin.template: src: hardware/megaclisas-statusd.j2 dest: /etc/default/megaclisas-statusd mode: "0755" tags: - config - name: megaclisas-statusd is enabled and started ansible.builtin.systemd: name: megaclisas-statusd enabled: true state: restarted tags: - packages - config when: - "'MegaRAID' in raidmodel.stdout"