--- - name: Install/Update system tools ansible.builtin.apt: name: - locales - sudo - ntpdate - lsb-release - dnsutils - pv - apg - conntrack - logrotate - bash-completion - ssl-cert - ca-certificates - rename - dmidecode when: evolinux_packages_system | bool - name: Install/Update diagnostic tools ansible.builtin.apt: name: - strace - htop - iftop - iptraf - ncdu - iotop - tcpdump - mtr-tiny - curl - wget - telnet - traceroute - man - molly-guard when: evolinux_packages_diagnostic | bool - name: Install/Update hardware tools ansible.builtin.apt: name: - hdparm - smartmontools - lm-sensors when: ansible_virtualization_role == "host" - name: Install/Update common tools ansible.builtin.apt: name: - vim - screen - tmux - mutt - tree - git - rsync - bc - pinentry-curses - ncurses-term when: evolinux_packages_common | bool - name: Be sure that openntpd package is absent/purged ansible.builtin.apt: name: openntpd state: absent purge: True when: evolinux_packages_purge_openntpd | bool - name: the chrony package is absent ansible.builtin.apt: name: chrony purge: True state: absent when: evolinux_packages_purge_chrony | bool - name: Be sure locate/mlocate is absent/purged ansible.builtin.apt: name: - locate - mlocate state: absent purge: yes when: evolinux_packages_purge_locate | bool - name: Install/Update serveur-base meta-package ansible.builtin.apt: name: serveur-base allow_unauthenticated: yes when: evolinux_packages_serveur_base | bool - name: Install/Update packages for Stretch and later ansible.builtin.apt: name: net-tools when: - evolinux_packages_stretch | bool - ansible_distribution_major_version is version('9', '>=') - name: Install/Update packages for Buster and later ansible.builtin.apt: name: - spectre-meltdown-checker - binutils when: - evolinux_packages_buster | bool - ansible_distribution_major_version is version('10', '>=') - name: Customize logcheck recipient ansible.builtin.lineinfile: dest: /etc/logcheck/logcheck.conf regexp: '^SENDMAILTO=".*"$' line: 'SENDMAILTO="{{ logcheck_alert_email or general_alert_email | mandatory }}"' when: evolinux_packages_logcheck_recipient | bool - name: Deleting rpcbind and nfs-common ansible.builtin.apt: name: - rpcbind - nfs-common state: absent when: evolinux_packages_delete_nfs | bool # TODO: use ini_file when Ansible > 2.1 (no_extra_spaces: yes) - name: Configure Listchanges on Jessie ansible.builtin.lineinfile: dest: /etc/apt/listchanges.conf regexp: '^{{ item.option }}\s*=' line: "{{ item.option }}={{ item.value }}" loop: - { option: "confirm", value: "1" } - { option: "which", value: "both" } when: - evolinux_packages_listchanges | bool - ansible_distribution == "Debian" - ansible_distribution_release == "jessie" - name: apt-listchanges is absent on Stretch and later ansible.builtin.apt: name: apt-listchanges state: absent when: - ansible_distribution == "Debian" - ansible_distribution_major_version is version('9', '>=') - evolinux_packages_delete_aptlistchanges - ansible.builtin.meta: flush_handlers