#!/bin/sh error() { >&2 echo "${PROGNAME}: $1" exit 1 } debug() { if [ "${VERBOSE}" = "1" ] && [ "${QUIET}" != "1" ]; then >&2 echo "${PROGNAME}: $1" fi } daemon_found_and_running() { readonly hapee_main_pid=$(ps -u root u | grep hapee-lb | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}') if [ -n "${hapee_main_pid}" ] && [ -d "/proc/${hapee_main_pid}" ] ; then readonly hapee_bin=$(readlink "/proc/${hapee_main_pid}/exe") readonly hapee_config_file=$(cat "/proc/${hapee_main_pid}/cmdline" | tr "\0" " " | grep --only-matching --extended-regexp -- "-f \S+" | awk '{print $2}') readonly hapee_pid_file=$(cat "/proc/${hapee_main_pid}/cmdline" | tr "\0" " " | grep --only-matching --extended-regexp -- "-p \S+" | awk '{print $2}') readonly hapee_service_name="$(basename -s .pid "${hapee_pid_file}").service" kill -0 "${hapee_main_pid}" && test -n "${hapee_bin}" && test -f "${hapee_config_file}" && systemctl -q is-active "${hapee_service_name}" else return 1 fi } found_renewed_lineage() { test -f "${RENEWED_LINEAGE}/fullchain.pem" && test -f "${RENEWED_LINEAGE}/privkey.pem" } config_check() { ${hapee_bin} -c -f "${hapee_config_file}" > /dev/null 2>&1 } concat_files() { # shellcheck disable=SC2174 mkdir --mode=700 --parents "${hapee_cert_dir}" chown root: "${hapee_cert_dir}" debug "Concatenating certificate files to ${hapee_cert_file}" cat "${RENEWED_LINEAGE}/fullchain.pem" "${RENEWED_LINEAGE}/privkey.pem" > "${hapee_cert_file}" chmod 600 "${hapee_cert_file}" chown root: "${hapee_cert_file}" } cert_and_key_mismatch() { hapee_cert_md5=$(openssl x509 -noout -pubkey -in "${hapee_cert_file}" | openssl md5) hapee_key_md5=$(openssl pkey -pubout -in "${hapee_cert_file}" | openssl md5) test "${hapee_cert_md5}" != "${hapee_key_md5}" } detect_hapee_cert_dir() { # get last field or line wich defines the crt directory config_cert_dir=$(grep -r -o -E -h '^\s*bind .* crt /etc/\S+' "${hapee_config_file}" | head -1 | awk '{ print $(NF)}') if [ -n "${config_cert_dir}" ]; then debug "Cert directory is configured with ${config_cert_dir}" echo "${config_cert_dir}" else error "Cert directory not found." fi } main() { if [ -z "${RENEWED_LINEAGE}" ]; then error "This script must be called only by certbot!" fi if daemon_found_and_running; then readonly hapee_cert_dir=$(detect_hapee_cert_dir) if found_renewed_lineage; then hapee_cert_file="${hapee_cert_dir}/$(basename "${RENEWED_LINEAGE}").pem" failed_cert_file="/root/$(basename "${RENEWED_LINEAGE}").failed.pem" concat_files if cert_and_key_mismatch; then mv "${hapee_cert_file}" "${failed_cert_file}" error "Key and cert don't match, we moved the file to ${failed_cert_file} for inspection" fi if config_check; then debug "HAPEE detected... reloading" systemctl reload "${hapee_service_name}" else error "HAPEE config is broken, you must fix it !" fi else error "Couldn't find ${RENEWED_LINEAGE}/fullchain.pem or ${RENEWED_LINEAGE}/privkey.pem" fi else debug "HAPEE is not running or missing. Skip." fi } readonly PROGNAME=$(basename "$0") readonly VERBOSE=${VERBOSE:-"0"} readonly QUIET=${QUIET:-"0"} main