#!/usr/bin/env perl # check_phpfpm_status.pl # Version : 1.0 # Author : regis.leroy at makina-corpus.com # based on previous apache status work by Dennis D. Spreen (dennis at spreendigital.de) # Based on check_apachestatus.pl v1.4 by # De Bodt Lieven (Lieven.DeBodt at gmail.com) # Karsten Behrens (karsten at behrens dot in) # Geoff McQueen (geoff.mcqueen at hiivesystems dot com ) # Dave Steinberg (dave at redterror dot net) # Licence : GNU GPL v3 - http://www.fsf.org/licenses/gpl.txt # # help : ./check_phpfpm_status.pl -h # # issues & updates: http://github.com/regilero/check_phpfpm_status use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Long; use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday tv_interval); use Digest::MD5 qw(md5 md5_hex); # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- package main; # ensure all outputs are in UTF-8 binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8"); # Globals my $Version='1.0'; my $Name=$0; my $o_host = undef; # hostname my $o_help= undef; # want some help ? my $o_port= undef; # port my $o_url = undef; # url to use, if not the default my $o_user= undef; # user for auth my $o_pass= ''; # password for auth my $o_realm= ''; # password for auth my $o_version= undef; # print version my $o_warn_p_level= -1; # Min number of idle workers that will cause a warning my $o_crit_p_level= -1; # Min number of idle workersthat will cause an error my $o_warn_q_level= -1; # Number of Max Queue Reached that will cause a warning my $o_crit_q_level= -1; # Number of Max Queue Reached that will cause an error my $o_warn_m_level= -1; # Number of Max Processes Reached that will cause a warning my $o_crit_m_level= -1; # Number of Max Processes Reached that will cause an error my $o_timeout= 15; # Default 15s Timeout my $o_warn_thresold=undef; # warning thresolds entry my $o_crit_thresold=undef; # critical thresolds entry my $o_debug= undef; # debug mode my $o_fastcgi= undef; # direct fastcgi mode (without an http->fastcgi proxy) my $o_servername= undef; # ServerName (host header in http request) my $o_https= undef; # SSL (HTTPS) mode my $o_verify_ssl= 0; # SSL verification, False by default my $o_cacert_file= undef; # Path to cacert.pem file my $TempPath = '/tmp/'; # temp path my $MaxUptimeDif = 60*30; # Maximum uptime difference (seconds), default 30 minutes my $phpfpm = 'PHP-FPM'; # Could be used to store version also # functions sub show_versioninfo { print "$Name version : $Version\n"; } sub print_usage { print "Usage: $Name -H [-p ] [-s servername] [-t ] [-w -c ] [-V] [-d] [-f] [-u ] [-U user -P pass -r realm]\n"; } sub nagios_exit { my ( $nickname, $status, $message, $perfdata , $silent) = @_; my %STATUSCODE = ( 'OK' => 0 , 'WARNING' => 1 , 'CRITICAL' => 2 , 'UNKNOWN' => 3 , 'PENDING' => 4 ); if(!defined($silent)) { my $output = undef; $output .= sprintf('%1$s %2$s - %3$s', $nickname, $status, $message); if ($perfdata) { $output .= sprintf('|%1$s', $perfdata); } $output .= chr(10); print $output; } exit $STATUSCODE{$status}; } # Get the alarm signal $SIG{'ALRM'} = sub { nagios_exit($phpfpm,"CRITICAL","ERROR: Alarm signal (Nagios timeout)"); }; sub help { print "PHP-FPM Monitor for Nagios version ",$Version,"\n"; print "GPL licence, (c)2012 Leroy Regis\n\n"; print_usage(); print < \$o_help, 'help' => \$o_help, 'd' => \$o_debug, 'debug' => \$o_debug, 'f' => \$o_fastcgi, 'fastcgi' => \$o_fastcgi, 'H:s' => \$o_host, 'hostname:s' => \$o_host, 's:s' => \$o_servername, 'servername:s' => \$o_servername, 'S:s' => \$o_https, 'ssl:s' => \$o_https, 'u:s' => \$o_url, 'url:s' => \$o_url, 'U:s' => \$o_user, 'user:s' => \$o_user, 'P:s' => \$o_pass, 'pass:s' => \$o_pass, 'r:s' => \$o_realm, 'realm:s' => \$o_realm, 'p:i' => \$o_port, 'port:i' => \$o_port, 'V' => \$o_version, 'version' => \$o_version, 'w=s' => \$o_warn_thresold, 'warn=s' => \$o_warn_thresold, 'c=s' => \$o_crit_thresold, 'critical=s' => \$o_crit_thresold, 't:i' => \$o_timeout, 'timeout:i' => \$o_timeout, 'x:i' => \$o_verify_ssl, 'verifyhostname:i' => \$o_verify_ssl, 'verifyssl:i' => \$o_verify_ssl, 'X:s' => \$o_cacert_file, 'cacert:s' => \$o_cacert_file, ); if (defined ($o_help)) { help(); nagios_exit($phpfpm,"UNKNOWN","leaving","",1); } if (defined($o_version)) { show_versioninfo(); nagios_exit($phpfpm,"UNKNOWN","leaving","",1); }; if (defined($o_warn_thresold)) { ($o_warn_p_level,$o_warn_m_level,$o_warn_q_level) = split(',', $o_warn_thresold); } else { $o_warn_thresold = 'undefined' } if (defined($o_crit_thresold)) { ($o_crit_p_level,$o_crit_m_level,$o_crit_q_level) = split(',', $o_crit_thresold); } else { $o_crit_thresold = 'undefined' } if (defined($o_fastcgi) && defined($o_https)) { nagios_exit($phpfpm,"UNKNOWN","You cannot use both --fastcgi and --ssl options, we do not use http (nor https) when we use direct fastcgi access!"); } if (defined($o_debug)) { print("\nDebug thresolds: \nWarning: ($o_warn_thresold) => Min Idle: $o_warn_p_level Max Reached :$o_warn_m_level MaxQueue: $o_warn_q_level"); print("\nCritical ($o_crit_thresold) => : Min Idle: $o_crit_p_level Max Reached: $o_crit_m_level MaxQueue : $o_crit_q_level\n"); } if ((defined($o_warn_p_level) && defined($o_crit_p_level)) && (($o_warn_p_level != -1) && ($o_crit_p_level != -1) && ($o_warn_p_level <= $o_crit_p_level)) ) { nagios_exit($phpfpm,"UNKNOWN","Check warning and critical values for IdleProcesses (1st part of thresold), warning level must be > crit level!"); } if ((defined($o_warn_m_level) && defined($o_crit_m_level)) && (($o_warn_m_level != -1) && ($o_crit_m_level != -1) && ($o_warn_m_level >= $o_crit_m_level)) ) { nagios_exit($phpfpm,"UNKNOWN","Check warning and critical values for MaxProcesses (2nd part of thresold), warning level must be < crit level!"); } if ((defined($o_warn_q_level) && defined($o_crit_q_level)) && (($o_warn_q_level != -1) && ($o_crit_q_level != -1) && ($o_warn_q_level >= $o_crit_q_level)) ) { nagios_exit($phpfpm,"UNKNOWN","Check warning and critical values for MaxQueue (3rd part of thresold), warning level must be < crit level!"); } # Check compulsory attributes if (!defined($o_host)) { print_usage(); nagios_exit($phpfpm,"UNKNOWN","-H host argument required"); } } ########## MAIN ########## # warning capture: avoid extra line added on output by warnings (like deprecation warning in FastCGI code) local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { if (defined ($o_debug)) { my $warn = shift; print "\nDEBUG: Perl warning message captured: $warn"; } }; check_options(); my $override_ip = $o_host; my $timing0 = [gettimeofday]; my $response = undef; my $url = undef; if (!defined($o_url)) { $o_url='/fpm-status'; } else { # ensure we have a '/' as first char $o_url = '/'.$o_url unless $o_url =~ m(^/) } if (defined($o_fastcgi)) { # -- FASTCGI eval "use FCGI::Client::Connection;"; nagios_exit($phpfpm,"UNKNOWN","You need to activate FCGI::Client::Connection CPAN module for this feature: " . $@) if $@; eval "use IO::Socket::INET"; nagios_exit($phpfpm,"UNKNOWN","You need to activate IO::Socket::INET CPAN module for this feature: " . $@) if $@; if (!defined($o_port)) { $o_port = 9000; } my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new( PeerAddr => $override_ip, PeerPort => $o_port, ); if (!$sock) { nagios_exit($phpfpm,"CRITICAL", "Cannot connect to $override_ip : $o_port !"); } my $fastcgiClient = FCGI::Client::Connection->new(sock => $sock); $url = $o_url; my $sname = undef; if (defined($o_servername)) { $sname= $o_servername; } else { $sname = $o_host; } my ( $stdout, $stderr ) = $fastcgiClient->request( +{ GATEWAY_INTERFACE => 'FastCGI/1.0', REQUEST_METHOD => 'GET', QUERY_STRING => '', SCRIPT_FILENAME => $url, SCRIPT_NAME => $url, }, '' ); if (defined ($o_debug)) { print "\nDEBUG: FASCGI requested url\n"; print $url; print "\nDEBUG: FASCGI response: STDERR\n"; print $stderr; } $response = fcgi_response->new($stdout, $o_debug); } else { # -- HTTP eval "use LWP::UserAgent;"; nagios_exit($phpfpm,"UNKNOWN","You need to activate LWP::UserAgent CPAN module for this feature: " . $@) if $@; #use LWP::UserAgent; my $proto='http://'; if(defined($o_https)) { if ($o_https eq "") { $o_https = 'TLSv1'; } $proto='https://'; if (defined($o_port) && $o_port!=443) { if (defined ($o_debug)) { print "\nDEBUG: Notice: port is defined at $o_port and not 443, check you really want that in SSL mode! \n"; } } } if (defined($o_servername)) { if (!defined($o_port)) { $url = $proto . $o_servername . $o_url; } else { $url = $proto . $o_servername . ':' . $o_port . $o_url; } } else { if (!defined($o_port)) { $url = $proto . $o_host . $o_url; } else { $url = $proto . $o_host . ':' . $o_port . $o_url; } } if (defined ($o_debug)) { print "\nDEBUG: HTTP url: \n"; print $url; } my %lwp_opts = ( timeout => $o_timeout ); if(defined($o_https)) { use IO::Socket::SSL qw( SSL_VERIFY_NONE SSL_VERIFY_PEER ); if (defined ($o_debug)) { $ENV{HTTPS_DEBUG} = 1; use Data::Dumper; eval "use IO::Socket::SSL qw( debug3 SSL_VERIFY_NONE SSL_VERIFY_PEER )"; die $@ if $@; } else { $ENV{HTTPS_DEBUG} = 0; } $lwp_opts{'protocols_allowed'} = ['https']; my %ssl_opts = ( PeerAddr => $override_ip, ); $ENV{'PERL_LWP_SSL_VERIFY_HOSTNAME'} = $o_verify_ssl; $ssl_opts{"verify_hostname"} = $o_verify_ssl; $ssl_opts{"SSL_verifycn_name"} = $o_verify_ssl; # 'TLSv1' by default, but could be things like 'SSLv3' or 'TLSv1_2', etc. $ssl_opts{"SSL_version"} = $o_https; #$ssl_opts{"SSL_verifycn_scheme"} = 'www'; if (defined($o_servername)) { $ssl_opts{"SSL_hostname"} = $o_servername; } if (not $o_verify_ssl) { # seems the verify_hostname parameters is not enough $ssl_opts{"SSL_verify_mode"} = SSL_VERIFY_NONE; } else { if (!defined($o_cacert_file)) { eval "use Mozilla::CA;"; nagios_exit($phpfpm,"UNKNOWN","You need to activate Mozilla::CA CPAN module for this feature, or use --cacert option: " . $@) if $@; $o_cacert_file = Mozilla::CA::SSL_ca_file(); } #$ssl_opts{"SSL_ca_path"} = '/usr/share/ca-certificates/mozilla/'; #$ENV{'HTTPS_CA_DIR'} = '/usr/share/ca-certificates/mozilla/'; #$ENV{'PERL_LWP_SSL_CA_PATH'} = '/usr/share/ca-certificates/mozilla/'; $ENV{'HTTPS_CA_FILE'} = $o_cacert_file; $ENV{'PERL_LWP_SSL_CA_FILE'} = $o_cacert_file; $ssl_opts{"SSL_ca_file"} = $o_cacert_file; $ssl_opts{"SSL_verify_mode"} = SSL_VERIFY_PEER; } IO::Socket::SSL::set_ctx_defaults(%ssl_opts); if (LWP::UserAgent->VERSION >= 6.10) { $lwp_opts{"ssl_opts"} = \%ssl_opts; } } else { $lwp_opts{'protocols_allowed'} = ['http']; } if (defined ($o_debug)) { print Dumper \%lwp_opts; } my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(%lwp_opts); # we need to enforce the HTTP request is made to the Nagios Host IP and # not on the DNS related IP for that domain @LWP::Protocol::http::EXTRA_SOCK_OPTS = ( PeerAddr => $override_ip ); # this prevent 'used only once' warning in -w mode my $ua_settings = @LWP::Protocol::http::EXTRA_SOCK_OPTS; my $req = HTTP::Request->new( GET => $url ); if (defined($o_servername)) { $req->header('Host' => $o_servername); } if (defined($o_user)) { $req->authorization_basic($o_user, $o_pass); } if (defined ($o_debug)) { print "\nDEBUG: HTTP request: \n"; print "IP used (better if it's an IP):" . $override_ip . "\n"; print $req->as_string; } $response = $ua->request($req); if (defined ($o_debug)) { print "\nDEBUG: HTTP response: \n"; print $response->as_string; } } my $timeelapsed = tv_interval($timing0, [gettimeofday]); my $InfoData = ''; my $PerfData = ''; my $webcontent = undef; if ($response->is_success) { $webcontent=$response->decoded_content( charset_strict=>1, raise_error => 1, alt_charset => 'none' ); if (defined ($o_debug)) { print "\nDEBUG: HTTP response:"; print $response->status_line; print "\nContent-Type => ".$response->header('Content-Type'); print "\n"; print $webcontent; } if ($response->header('Content-Type') =~ m/text\/html/) { nagios_exit($phpfpm,"CRITICAL", "We have a response page for our request, but it's an HTML page, quite certainly not the status report of php-fpm"); } # example of response content expected: #pool: foobar #process manager: dynamic #start time: 31/Jan/2012:08:18:45 +0000 #start since: 845 #accepted conn: 7 #listen queue: 0 #max listen queue: 0 #listen queue len: 0 #idle processes: 2 #active processes: 2 #total processes: 4 #max active processes: 2 #max children reached: 0 my $Pool = ''; if($webcontent =~ m/pool: (.*?)\n/) { $Pool = $1; $Pool =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; #$phpfpm .= "-".$Pool; } my $Uptime = 0; if($webcontent =~ m/start since: (.*?)\n/) { $Uptime = $1; $Uptime =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; } my $AcceptedConn = 0; if($webcontent =~ m/accepted conn: (.*?)\n/) { $AcceptedConn = $1; $AcceptedConn =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; } my $ActiveProcesses= 0; if($webcontent =~ m/(.*)?\nactive processes: (.*?)\n/) { $ActiveProcesses = $2; $ActiveProcesses =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; } my $TotalProcesses= 0; if($webcontent =~ m/total processes: (.*?)\n/) { $TotalProcesses = $1; $TotalProcesses =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; } my $IdleProcesses= 0; if($webcontent =~ m/idle processes: (.*?)\n/) { $IdleProcesses = $1; $IdleProcesses =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; } my $MaxActiveProcesses= 0; if($webcontent =~ m/max active processes: (.*?)\n/) { $MaxActiveProcesses = $1; $MaxActiveProcesses =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; } my $MaxChildrenReached= 0; if($webcontent =~ m/max children reached: (.*?)\n/) { $MaxChildrenReached = $1; $MaxChildrenReached =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; } my $ListenQueue= 0; if($webcontent =~ m/\nlisten queue: (.*?)\n/) { $ListenQueue = $1; $ListenQueue =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; } my $ListenQueueLen= 0; if($webcontent =~ m/listen queue len: (.*?)\n/) { $ListenQueueLen = $1; $ListenQueueLen =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; } my $MaxListenQueue= 0; if($webcontent =~ m/max listen queue: (.*?)\n/) { $MaxListenQueue = $1; $MaxListenQueue =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; } # Debug if (defined ($o_debug)) { print ("\nDEBUG Parse results => Pool:" . $Pool . "\nAcceptedConn:" . $AcceptedConn . "\nActiveProcesses:" . $ActiveProcesses . " TotalProcesses :".$TotalProcesses . " IdleProcesses :" .$IdleProcesses . "\nMaxActiveProcesses :" . $MaxActiveProcesses . " MaxChildrenReached :" . $MaxChildrenReached . "\nListenQueue :" . $ListenQueue . " ListenQueueLen : " .$ListenQueueLen . " MaxListenQueue: " . $MaxListenQueue ."\n"); } my $TempFile = $TempPath.$o_host.'_check_phpfpm_status'.md5_hex($url); my $FH; my $LastUptime = 0; my $LastAcceptedConn = 0; my $LastMaxChildrenReached = 0; my $LastMaxListenQueue = 0; if ((-e $TempFile) && (-r $TempFile) && (-w $TempFile)) { open ($FH, '<',$TempFile) or nagios_exit($phpfpm,"UNKNOWN","unable to read temporary data from :".$TempFile); $LastUptime = <$FH>; $LastAcceptedConn = <$FH>; $LastMaxChildrenReached = <$FH>; $LastMaxListenQueue = <$FH>; close ($FH); if (defined ($o_debug)) { print ("\nDebug: data from temporary file:\n"); print ("LastUptime: $LastUptime LastAcceptedConn: $LastAcceptedConn LastMaxChildrenReached: $LastMaxChildrenReached LastMaxListenQueue: $LastMaxListenQueue \n"); } } open ($FH, '>'.$TempFile) or nagios_exit($phpfpm,"UNKNOWN","unable to write temporary data in :".$TempFile); print $FH "$Uptime\n"; print $FH "$AcceptedConn\n"; print $FH "$MaxChildrenReached\n"; print $FH "$MaxListenQueue\n"; close ($FH); my $ReqPerSec = 0; my $Accesses = 0; my $MaxChildrenReachedNew = 0; my $MaxListenQueueNew = 0; # check only if this counter may have been incremented # but not if it may have been too much incremented # and something should have happened in the server if ( ($Uptime>$LastUptime) && ($Uptime-$LastUptime<$MaxUptimeDif) && ($AcceptedConn>=$LastAcceptedConn) && ($MaxListenQueue>=$LastMaxListenQueue) && ($MaxChildrenReached>=$LastMaxChildrenReached)) { $ReqPerSec = ($AcceptedConn-$LastAcceptedConn)/($Uptime-$LastUptime); $Accesses = ($AcceptedConn-$LastAcceptedConn); $MaxChildrenReachedNew = ($MaxChildrenReached-$LastMaxChildrenReached); $MaxListenQueueNew = ($MaxListenQueue-$LastMaxListenQueue); } $InfoData = sprintf ("%s, %.3f sec. response time, Busy/Idle %d/%d," ." (max: %d, reached: %d), ReqPerSec %.1f, " ."Queue %d (len: %d, reached: %d)" ,$Pool,$timeelapsed, $ActiveProcesses, $IdleProcesses ,$MaxActiveProcesses,$MaxChildrenReachedNew ,$ReqPerSec,$ListenQueue,$ListenQueueLen,$MaxListenQueueNew); $PerfData = sprintf ("Idle=%d Busy=%d MaxProcesses=%d MaxProcessesReach=%d " ."Queue=%d MaxQueueReach=%d QueueLen=%d ReqPerSec=%f" ,($IdleProcesses),($ActiveProcesses),($MaxActiveProcesses) ,($MaxChildrenReachedNew),($ListenQueue),($MaxListenQueueNew) ,($ListenQueueLen),$ReqPerSec); # first all critical exists by priority if (defined($o_crit_q_level) && (-1!=$o_crit_q_level) && ($MaxListenQueueNew >= $o_crit_q_level)) { nagios_exit($phpfpm,"CRITICAL", "Max queue reached is critically high " . $InfoData,$PerfData); } if (defined($o_crit_m_level) && (-1!=$o_crit_m_level) && ($MaxChildrenReachedNew >= $o_crit_m_level)) { nagios_exit($phpfpm,"CRITICAL", "Max processes reached is critically high " . $InfoData,$PerfData); } if (defined($o_crit_p_level) && (-1!=$o_crit_p_level) && ($IdleProcesses <= $o_crit_p_level)) { nagios_exit($phpfpm,"CRITICAL", "Idle workers are critically low " . $InfoData,$PerfData); } # Then WARNING exits by priority if (defined($o_warn_q_level) && (-1!=$o_warn_q_level) && ($MaxListenQueueNew >= $o_warn_q_level)) { nagios_exit($phpfpm,"WARNING", "Max queue reached is high " . $InfoData,$PerfData); } if (defined($o_warn_m_level) && (-1!=$o_warn_m_level) && ($MaxChildrenReachedNew >= $o_warn_m_level)) { nagios_exit($phpfpm,"WARNING", "Max processes reached is high " . $InfoData,$PerfData); } if (defined($o_warn_p_level) && (-1!=$o_warn_p_level) && ($IdleProcesses <= $o_warn_p_level)) { nagios_exit($phpfpm,"WARNING", "Idle workers are low " . $InfoData,$PerfData); } nagios_exit($phpfpm,"OK",$InfoData,$PerfData); } else { nagios_exit($phpfpm,"CRITICAL", $response->status_line); } # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Adding a small parser for response coming in fastcgi mode # to have some methods with same signature as the response from LWP::UserAgent package fcgi_response; sub new() { my ($class) = shift; my ($raw) = shift; my ($debug) = shift; my @parts = split /\r\n\r\n/, $raw; my @headers = split /\r\n/, $parts[0]; my $body = $parts[1]; #if (defined ($debug)) { # print "\nDEBUG FCGI Resp HEADERS:\n"; # print join("\r\n",@headers); # print "\nDEBUG FCGI Resp BODY:\n"; # print $body; #} my $self = { "raw" => $raw, "headrs" => [@headers], "body" => $body, "debug" => $debug, }; bless($self, $class); return $self; } sub is_success() { my ($self) = shift; return not $self->status_line() } sub status_line() { my ($self) = shift; return $self->header('Status'); } sub decoded_content() { my ($self) = shift; # we do not, in fact, apply any decoding return $self->{body} } sub header() { my ($self) = shift; my ($seek) = shift; for my $i (0 .. $#{$self->{headrs}}) { my $line = $self->{headrs}[$i]; my @parts = split /:/, $line; if (lc $parts[0] eq lc $seek) { if (defined($self->{debug})) { print "\nDEBUG: header $seek found => " . $parts[1]; } return $parts[1]; } } return 0; }