#!/bin/sh # # make-csr is a shell script designed to automatically generate a # certificate signing request (CSR) from an Apache or a Nginx vhost # # Author: Victor Laborie # Licence: AGPLv3 # real_ip_for_domain() { dig +short "$1" | grep -oE "([0-9]+\.){3}[0-9]+" } local_ip() { ip a | grep brd | cut -d'/' -f1 | grep -oE "([0-9]+\.){3}[0-9]+" } get_domains() { echo "$vhostfile" | grep -q nginx if [ "$?" -eq 0 ]; then domains=$( grep -oE "^( )*[^#]+" "$vhostfile" \ | grep -oE "[^\$]server_name.*;$" \ | sed 's/server_name//' \ | tr -d ';' \ | sed 's/\s\{1,\}//' \ | sed 's/\s\{1,\}/\n/g' \ | sort \ | uniq ) fi echo "$vhostfile" | grep -q apache2 if [ "$?" -eq 0 ]; then domains=$( grep -oE "^( )*[^#]+" "$vhostfile" \ | grep -oE "(ServerName|ServerAlias).*" \ | sed 's/ServerName//' \ | sed 's/ServerAlias//' \ | sed 's/\s\{1,\}//' \ | sort \ | uniq ) fi valid_domains="" nb=0 echo "Valid(s) domain(s) in ${VHOST} :" for domain in $domains; do real_ip=$(real_ip_for_domain "${domain}") for ip in $(echo "${SRV_IP}" | xargs -n1); do if [ "${ip}" = "${real_ip}" ]; then valid_domains="${valid_domains} ${domain}" nb=$(( nb + 1 )) echo "* ${domain} -> ${real_ip}" fi done done if [ "${nb}" -eq 0 ]; then nb=$(echo "${domains}" | wc -l) echo "* No valid domain found" echo "All following(s) domain(s) will be used for CSR creation :" for domain in $domains; do echo "* ${domain}" done else domains="${valid_domains}" fi domains=$(echo "$domains" | xargs -n1) } make_key() { openssl genrsa -out "${SSL_KEY_FILE}" "${SSL_KEY_SIZE}" 2>/dev/null chown root: "${SSL_KEY_FILE}" chmod 600 "${SSL_KEY_FILE}" } make_csr() { domains="$1" nb=$(echo "${domains}" | wc -l) config_file="/tmp/make-csr-${VHOST}.conf" mkdir -p -m 0755 "${CSR_DIR}" || error "Unable to mkdir ${CSR_DIR}" if [ "${nb}" -eq 1 ]; then cat ${SSL_CONFIG_FILE} - > "${config_file}" < "${config_file}" < "${CSR_FILE}" fi if [ -f "${CSR_FILE}" ]; then chmod 644 "${CSR_FILE}" mkdir -p -m 0755 "${SELF_SIGNED_DIR}" openssl x509 -req -sha256 -days 365 -in "${CSR_FILE}" -signkey "${SSL_KEY_FILE}" -out "${SELF_SIGNED_FILE}" [ -f "${SELF_SIGNED_FILE}" ] && chmod 644 "${SELF_SIGNED_FILE}" fi } sed_selfsigned_cert_path_for_apache() { apache_ssl_vhost_path="$1" mkdir -p $(dirname "${apache_ssl_vhost_path}") if [ ! -f "${apache_ssl_vhost_path}" ]; then cat > "${apache_ssl_vhost_path}" < "${nginx_ssl_vhost_path}" </dev/null \ | head -n 1 } default_key_size() { grep default_bits ${SSL_CONFIG_FILE} \ | cut -d'=' -f2 \ | xargs } main() { if [ "$#" -ne 1 ]; then echo "You need to provide one argument !" >&2 exit 1 fi # Read configuration file, if it exists [ -r /etc/default/evoacme ] && . /etc/default/evoacme # Default value for main variables CSR_DIR=${CSR_DIR:-'/etc/ssl/requests'} CRT_DIR=${CRT_DIR:-'/etc/letsencrypt'} SSL_CONFIG_FILE=${SSL_CONFIG_FILE:-"${CRT_DIR}/openssl.cnf"} SELF_SIGNED_DIR=${SELF_SIGNED_DIR:-'/etc/ssl/self-signed'} SSL_KEY_DIR=${SSL_KEY_DIR:-'/etc/ssl/private'} SSL_KEY_SIZE=${SSL_KEY_SIZE:-$(default_key_size)} SRV_IP=${SRV_IP:-""} [ -w "${CSR_DIR}" ] || error "Directory ${CSR_DIR} is not writable" [ -w "${CRT_DIR}" ] || error "Directory ${CRT_DIR} is not writable" [ -w "${SELF_SIGNED_DIR}" ] || error "Directory ${SELF_SIGNED_DIR} is not writable" [ -w "${SSL_KEY_DIR}" ] || error "Directory ${SSL_KEY_DIR} is not writable" [ -r "${SSL_CONFIG_FILE}" ] || error "File ${SSL_CONFIG_FILE} is not readable" VHOST=$(basename "$1" .conf) SELF_SIGNED_FILE="${SELF_SIGNED_DIR}/${VHOST}.pem" SSL_KEY_FILE="${SSL_KEY_DIR}/${VHOST}.key" LIVE_DIR="${CRT_DIR}/${VHOST}/live" CSR_FILE="${CSR_DIR}/${VHOST}.csr" LOCAL_IP=$(local_ip) if [ -n "${SRV_IP}" ]; then SRV_IP="${SRV_IP} ${LOCAL_IP}" else SRV_IP="${LOCAL_IP}" fi vhostfile=$(first_vhost_file_found "${VHOST}") if [ ! -h "${vhostfile}" ]; then echo "${VHOST} is not a valid virtualhost !" >&2 exit 1 fi if [ -f "${SSL_KEY_FILE}" ]; then echo "${VHOST} key already exist, overwrite it? [yN]" read REPLY [ "${REPLY}" = "Y" ] || [ "${REPLY}" = "y" ] || exit 0 rm -f "/etc/apache2/ssl/${VHOST}.conf /etc/nginx/ssl/${VHOST}.conf" [ -h "${LIVE_DIR}" ] && rm "${LIVE_DIR}" fi get_domains make_key make_csr "${domains}" command -v apache2ctl >/dev/null && sed_selfsigned_cert_path_for_apache "/etc/apache2/ssl/${VHOST}.conf" command -v nginx >/dev/null && sed_selfsigned_cert_path_for_nginx "/etc/nginx/ssl/${VHOST}.conf" } main "$@"