--- - name: server status dirname exists file: dest: "{{ apache_serverstatus_suffix_file | dirname }}" mode: "0700" owner: root group: root state: directory - name: set apache serverstatus suffix if provided copy: dest: "{{ apache_serverstatus_suffix_file }}" # The last character "\u000A" is a line feed (LF), it's better to keep it content: "{{ apache_serverstatus_suffix }}\u000A" force: yes when: apache_serverstatus_suffix - name: generate random string for server-status suffix shell: "apg -a 1 -M N -n 1 > {{ apache_serverstatus_suffix_file }}" args: creates: "{{ apache_serverstatus_suffix_file }}" - name: read apache server status suffix command: "tail -n 1 {{ apache_serverstatus_suffix_file }}" changed_when: False check_mode: no register: new_apache_serverstatus_suffix - name: overwrite apache_serverstatus_suffix set_fact: apache_serverstatus_suffix: "{{ new_apache_serverstatus_suffix.stdout }}" - debug: var: apache_serverstatus_suffix - name: replace server-status suffix in default site index replace: dest: /var/www/index.html regexp: '__SERVERSTATUS_SUFFIX__' replace: "{{ apache_serverstatus_suffix }}" - name: add server-status suffix in default site index if missing replace: dest: /var/www/index.html regexp: '"/server-status-?"' replace: '"/server-status-{{ apache_serverstatus_suffix }}"' - name: add server-status suffix in default VHost replace: dest: /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-evolinux-default.conf regexp: '' replace: '' notify: reload apache - name: Munin configuration has a section for apache lineinfile: dest: /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/munin-node line: "[apache_*]" create: no - name: apache-status URL is configured for Munin lineinfile: dest: /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/munin-node line: "env.url http://{{ apache_serverstatus_host }}/server-status-{{ apache_serverstatus_suffix }}?auto" regexp: 'env.url http://[^\\/]+/server-status' insertafter: "[apache_*]" create: no notify: restart munin-node