--- - name: Include apache role include_role: name: "apache" - name: Add elements to user account template file: path: "/etc/skel/{{ item.path }}" state: "{{ item.state }}" mode: "{{ item.mode }}" with_items: - { path: log, mode: "0750", state: directory } - { path: awstats, mode: "0750", state: directory } - { path: www, mode: "0750", state: directory } - name: Copy apache empty log files if missing copy: src: "log/{{ item }}" dest: "/etc/skel/log/{{ item }}" mode: "0644" force: no with_items: - access.log - error.log - name: Install userlogrotate copy: src: userlogrotate dest: /etc/cron.weekly/userlogrotate mode: "0755" - name: Force DIR_MODE to 0750 in /etc/adduser.conf lineinfile: dest: /etc/adduser.conf regexp: '^DIR_MODE=' line: 'DIR_MODE=0750' - include: apache.yml - include: php5.yml when: ansible_distribution_release == "jessie" - include: php.yml when: ansible_distribution_major_version | version_compare('9', '>=') - include: phpmyadmin.yml - include: awstats.yml - name: Remove read permission on some folders (/, /etc, ...) shell: "test -d {{ item }} && chmod --verbose o-r {{ item }}" register: command_result changed_when: "'changed' in command_result.stdout" failed_when: False with_items: - / - /etc - /usr - /usr/bin - /var - /var/log - /home - /bin - /sbin - /lib - /usr/lib - /usr/include - /usr/bin - /usr/sbin - /usr/share - /usr/share/doc - /etc/default - name: Set 750 permission on some folders (/var/log/apt, /var/log/munin, ...) shell: "test -d {{ item }} && chmod --verbose 750 {{ item }}" register: command_result changed_when: "'changed' in command_result.stdout" failed_when: False with_items: - /var/log/apt - /var/lib/dpkg - /var/log/munin - /var/backups - /etc/init.d - /etc/apache2 - /etc/network - /etc/phpmyadmin - /var/log/installer - name: Set u-s permission on some binaries (/bin/ping, /usr/bin/mtr, ...) shell: "test -f {{ item }} && chmod --verbose u-s {{ item }}" register: command_result changed_when: "'changed' in command_result.stdout" failed_when: False with_items: - /bin/ping - /bin/ping6 - /usr/bin/fping - /usr/bin/fping6 - /usr/bin/mtr - name: Set 640 permission on some files (/var/log/evolix.log, ...) shell: "test -f {{ item }} && chmod --verbose 640 {{ item }}" register: command_result changed_when: "'changed' in command_result.stdout" failed_when: False with_items: - /var/log/evolix.log - /etc/warnquota.conf - name: Remove some log files (/var/log/mail.err, ...) file: path: "{{ item }}" state: absent with_items: - /var/log/debug - /var/log/mail.err - /var/log/mail.warn - name: Install Evoadmin include_role: name: evoadmin vars: evoadmin_enable_vhost: "{{ packweb_enable_evoadmin_vhost }}"