#!/bin/bash get_system() { uname -s } get_fqdn() { if [ "$(get_system)" = "Linux" ]; then hostname --fqdn elif [ "$(get_system)" = "OpenBSD" ]; then hostname else log_error_exit "OS not detected!" fi } get_complete_hostname() { REAL_HOSTNAME="$(get_fqdn)" if [ "${HOSTNAME}" = "${REAL_HOSTNAME}" ]; then echo "${HOSTNAME}" else echo "${HOSTNAME} (${REAL_HOSTNAME})" fi } get_evomaintenance_mail() { email="$(grep "EVOMAINTMAIL=" /etc/evomaintenance.cf | cut -d '=' -f2)" if [[ -z "$email" ]]; then email='alert5@evolix.fr' fi echo "${email}" } arguments="${*}" get_argument() { no_found=1 for argument in ${arguments} ; do if [ "${argument}" = "${1}" ] ; then no_found=0 fi done return ${no_found} } internal_info() { INTERNAL_INFO="$(printf '%b\n%s' "${INTERNAL_INFO}" "$*")" } log_action() { log "Action : $*" ACTIONS="$(printf '%s\n%s' "${ACTIONS}" "$*")" } log() { INTERNAL_LOG="$(printf '%s\n%s %s %s %s' "${INTERNAL_LOG}" "$(date -Isec)" "$(hostname)" "$(basename "$0")" "$*")" printf '%s %s %s %s\n' "$(date -Isec)" "$(hostname)" "$(basename "$0")" "$*" | tee -a "${LOG_DIR}/autosysadmin.log" echo "$*" | /usr/bin/logger -p local0.notice -t autosysadmin."$0" } log_error_exit() { log "ERROR : $*" AUTOSYSADMIN=1 /usr/share/scripts/evomaintenance.sh -m "$0: $*" --no-commit --no-mail exit 1 } log_check_php_fpm() { # Extraire seulement les chiffres du nom du script exécuté # ./repair_php_fpm81.sh ==> 81 PHP_VERSION="${0//[^0-9]/}" PHP_PATH_POOL=$(find /var/lib/lxc/php"${PHP_VERSION}"/ -type d -name "pool.d") /usr/local/lib/nagios/plugins/check_phpfpm_multi "${PHP_PATH_POOL}" > "${LOG_DIR}/nrpe.txt" } log_system_status() { DUMP_SERVER_STATE_BIN="$(command -v dump-server-state || command -v backup-server-state)" if [ -z "${DUMP_SERVER_STATE_BIN}" ]; then log "Warning: dump-server-state is not present. No server state recorded...." fi if [ -x "${DUMP_SERVER_STATE_BIN}" ]; then # NOTE We don't want the logging to take too much time, so we kill it # if it take more than 20 seconds. timeout --signal 9 20 \ "${DUMP_SERVER_STATE_BIN}" \ --dump-dir="$LOG_DIR" \ --df \ --dmesg \ --iptables \ --lxc \ --netcfg \ --netstat \ --uname \ --processes \ --systemctl \ --uptime \ --virsh \ --disks \ --mysql-processes \ --no-apt-states \ --no-apt-config \ --no-dpkg-full \ --no-dpkg-status \ --no-mount \ --no-packages \ --no-sysctl \ --no-etc log "System status logged in ${LOG_DIR}" fi } read_log_system_status(){ files="df.txt dmesg.txt lxc-list.txt netstat-legacy.txt netstat-ss.txt pstree.txt ps.txt systemctl-failed-services.txt" echo -e "\n\n#### Détails de dump-server-state" for file in ${files} ; do echo -e "\n### cat ${LOG_DIR}/${file} :" tail -n 1000 "${LOG_DIR}"/"${file}" done } ensure_no_active_users_or_exit() { if is_debug; then return; fi # Is there any active user ? for user in $(LC_ALL=C who --users|awk '{print $1}'); do idle_time="$(LC_ALL=C who --users | grep "${user}" | awk '{ print $6}')" for sameusertime in $(LC_ALL=C who --users | grep "${user}" | awk '{ print $6}'); do if is_active_user "$sameusertime"; then hook_mail abort_active_users log_error_exit 'At least one user was recently active. That requires human intervention. Nothing to do here!' fi done done } is_active_user() { # Check if a user was active in the last 30 minutes idle_time="$1" if [ "${idle_time}" = "old" ]; then return 1 elif [ "${idle_time}" = "." ]; then return 0 else hh="$(echo "${idle_time}" | awk -F':' '{print $1}')" mm="$(echo "${idle_time}" | awk -F':' '{print $2}')" idle_minutes="$(( 60 * "${hh}" + "${mm}" ))" if [ "${idle_minutes}" -ge 30 ]; then return 1 else return 0 fi fi } is_debug() { debug_file="/etc/evolinux/autosysadmin.debug" if [ -e "${debug_file}" ]; then last_change=$(stat -c %Z "${debug_file}") limit_date=$(date --date "14400 seconds ago" +"%s") if [ $(( last_change - limit_date )) -le "0" ]; then rm "${debug_file}" else return 0 fi fi return 1 } check_nrpe() { check="$1" list_command_nrpe=$( grep --exclude=*~ -E "\[${check}\]" -r /etc/nagios/ | grep -v '#command' ) command_nrpe_primary=$( echo "${list_command_nrpe}" | grep "/etc/nagios/nrpe.d/evolix.cfg" | cut -d'=' -f2- ) command_nrpe_secondary=$( echo "${list_command_nrpe}" | head -n1 | cut -d'=' -f2- ) if [ -z "${command_nrpe_primary}" ] && [ -z "${command_nrpe_secondary}" ] then return 1 else if [ -n "${command_nrpe_primary}" ] then ${command_nrpe_primary} else ${command_nrpe_secondary} fi fi } acquire_lock_or_exit() { lockfile="$1" waittime="$2" # si le temps d’attente n’est pas compréhensible par sleep(1), il vaut 0 if ! echo "${waittime}" | grep -Eq '^[0-9]+[smhd]?$' then waittime=0 fi # si le temps d’attente est supérieur à 0 et si le lock existe, on attend if test "${waittime}" -gt 0 && test -f "${lockfile}" then sleep "${waittime}" fi # si le lock existe, on s’arrête if test -f "${lockfile}" then log_error_exit "lock file ${lockfile} exists" fi touch "${lockfile}" } is_too_soon() { if is_debug; then return; fi witness="/tmp/autosysadmin_witness_$(basename "$0")" if test -f "${witness}" then compare="$(($(date +%s)-$(stat -c "%Y" "${witness}")))" if [ "${compare}" -lt 1800 ]; then log_error_exit 'already executed less than 30 minutes ago' fi rm "${witness}" fi touch "${witness}" } init_autosysadmin() { PATH="${PATH}":/usr/sbin:/sbin↩ unset ACTIONS SCRIPTNAME=$(basename "$0") PROGNAME=${SCRIPTNAME%.sh} RUN_ID="$(date +"%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M")_${SCRIPTNAME}_$(openssl rand -hex 6)" LOG_DIR="/var/log/autosysadmin/${RUN_ID}" mkdir -p "${LOG_DIR}" log "Autosysadmin : Script ${SCRIPTNAME} triggered" # Detect operating system name, version and release↩ detect_os } load_conf() { # Load conf and enable script by default. # To disable script locally, set "$PROGNAME"=off in /etc/evolinux/autosysadmin. # To disable script globally, set "$PROGNAME"=off in the script, after load_conf() call. declare -g "$PROGNAME"=on # dynamic variable assignment ($PROGNAME == repair_*) # Source configuration file # shellcheck source=../roles/deploy_autosysadmin/templates/autosysadmin.cfg.j2 test -f /etc/evolinux/autosysadmin && source /etc/evolinux/autosysadmin } detect_os() { # OS detection DEBIAN_RELEASE="" LSB_RELEASE_BIN="$(command -v lsb_release)" if [ -e /etc/debian_version ]; then DEBIAN_VERSION="$(cut -d "." -f 1 < /etc/debian_version)" if [ -x "${LSB_RELEASE_BIN}" ]; then DEBIAN_RELEASE="$("${LSB_RELEASE_BIN}" --codename --short)" else case "${DEBIAN_VERSION}" in 8) DEBIAN_RELEASE="jessie";; 9) DEBIAN_RELEASE="stretch";; 10) DEBIAN_RELEASE="buster";; 11) DEBIAN_RELEASE="bullseye";; esac fi fi } is_debian_jessie() { test "${DEBIAN_RELEASE}" = "jessie" } is_debian_stretch() { test "${DEBIAN_RELEASE}" = "stretch" } is_debian_buster() { test "${DEBIAN_RELEASE}" = "buster" } is_debian_bullseye() { test "${DEBIAN_RELEASE}" = "bullseye" } systemd_list_service_failed() { systemctl list-units --failed --no-legend --full --type=service "$1" | awk '{print $1}' } systemd_list_units_enabled() { list_units_enabled=$(systemctl list-unit-files --state=enabled --no-legend | awk "/$1/{print \$1}") if [ -z "${list_units_enabled}" ] then return 1 else echo "${list_units_enabled}" fi } format_mail_success() { cat < Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Script: $(basename "$0") X-RunId: ${RUN_ID} To: ${EMAIL_CLIENT:-alert5@evolix.fr} Cc: autosysadmin@evolix.fr Subject: [autosysadmin] Intervention sur ${HOSTNAME_TEXT} Bonjour, Une intervention automatique vient de se terminer. Nom du serveur : ${HOSTNAME_TEXT} Heure d'intervention : $(LC_ALL=fr_FR.utf8 date) ### Renseignements sur l'intervention ${ACTIONS} ### Réagir à cette intervention Vous pouvez répondre à ce message (sur l'adresse mail equipe@evolix.net). En cas d'urgence, utilisez l'adresse maintenance@evolix.fr ou notre téléphone portable d'astreinte ( -- Votre AutoSysadmin EOTEMPLATE } format_mail_abort_active_users() { cat < Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Script: $(basename "$0") X-RunId: ${RUN_ID} To: ${EMAIL_CLIENT:-alert5@evolix.fr} Cc: autosysadmin@evolix.fr Subject: [autosysadmin] Intervention interrompue sur ${HOSTNAME_TEXT} Bonjour, Une intervention automatique a été interrompue en raison d'un utilisateur actuellement actif sur le serveur. Nom du serveur : ${HOSTNAME_TEXT} Heure d'intervention : $(LC_ALL=fr_FR.utf8 date) ### Utilisateur(s) connecté(s) $(w) -- Votre AutoSysadmin EOTEMPLATE } format_mail_internal_info() { cat < Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Script: $(basename "$0") X-RunId: ${RUN_ID} To: autosysadmin@evolix.fr Subject: [autosysadmin] Complements (interne) - Intervention sur ${HOSTNAME_TEXT} Bonjour, Une intervention automatique vient de se terminer. Nom du serveur : ${HOSTNAME_TEXT} Heure d'intervention : $(LC_ALL=fr_FR.utf8 date) Script déclenché : $(basename "$0") ### Actions effectuées ${ACTIONS} ### Logs autosysadmin ${INTERNAL_LOG} ### Utilisateur(s) connecté(s) $(w) ### Informations additionnelles données par le script $(basename "$0") ${INTERNAL_INFO} -- Votre AutoSysadmin EOTEMPLATE } hook_mail() { if is_debug; then return; fi HOSTNAME="${HOSTNAME:-"$(get_fqdn)"}" HOSTNAME_TEXT="$(get_complete_hostname)" EMAIL_CLIENT="$(get_evomaintenance_mail)" MAIL_CONTENT="$(format_mail_"$1")" SENDMAIL_BIN="$(command -v sendmail)" if [ -z "${SENDMAIL_BIN}" ]; then log "No \`sendmail' command has been found, can't send mail." fi if [ -x "${SENDMAIL_BIN}" ]; then echo "${MAIL_CONTENT}" | "${SENDMAIL_BIN}" -oi -t -f "equipe@evolix.net" fi } # We need stable output for gcal, so we force some language environment variables export TZ=Europe/Paris export LANGUAGE=fr_FR.UTF-8 is_holiday() { # gcal mark today as a holiday by surrounding with < and > the day # of the month of that holiday line. For exemple if today is 2022-05-01 we'll # get among other lines: # Fête du Travail (FR) + Di, < 1>Mai 2022 # Jour de la Victoire (FR) + Di, : 8:Mai 2022 = +7 jours gcal --cc-holidays=fr --holiday-list=short | grep -E '<[0-9 ]{2}>' --quiet } is_weekend() { day_of_week=$(date +%u) if [ "$day_of_week" != 6 ] && [ "$day_of_week" != 7 ]; then return 1 fi } is_workday() { if is_holiday || is_weekend; then return 1 fi } is_worktime() { if ! is_workday; then return 1 fi hour=$(date +%H) if [ "${hour}" -lt 9 ] || { [ "${hour}" -ge 12 ] && [ "${hour}" -lt 14 ] ; } || [ "${hour}" -ge 18 ]; then return 1 fi }