--- - name: is Munin present ? stat: path: /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/munin-node check_mode: no register: munin_node_plugins_config tags: - bind - munin when: bind_authoritative_server - name: Enable munin plugins file: src: "/usr/share/munin/plugins/{{ item }}" dest: "/etc/munin/plugins/{{ item }}" state: link with_items: - bind9 - bind9_rndc notify: restart munin-node when: bind_authoritative_server and munin_node_plugins_config.stat.exists tags: - bind - munin - name: Add munin plugin configuration template: src: munin-env_bind9.j2 dest: /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/bind9 owner: root group: root mode: "0644" force: yes notify: restart munin-node when: bind_authoritative_server and munin_node_plugins_config.stat.exists tags: - bind - munin