--- ## TODO: add those URLs or domains to the proxy whitelist # http://pkg.jenkins-ci.org/.* # http://mirrors.jenkins.io/.* # http://jenkins.mirror.isppower.de/.* - name: Look for /etc/apt/trusted.gpg stat: path: /etc/apt/trusted.gpg register: apt_trusted_gpg - name: Jenkins embedded GPG key is absent apt_key: id: "D50582E6" state: absent when: apt_trusted_gpg.stat.exists - name: Add Jenkins GPG key copy: src: jenkins.asc dest: /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/jenkins.asc force: yes mode: "0644" - name: Add jenkins APT repository apt_repository: repo: deb http://pkg.jenkins-ci.org/debian-stable binary/ filename: jenkins update_cache: yes - name: Install Jenkins apt: name: jenkins - name: Change Jenkins port replace: name: /etc/default/jenkins regexp: "^HTTP_PORT=.*$" replace: "HTTP_PORT=8081" notify: Restart Jenkins