--- - name: Install dependencies apt: name: "{{ item }}" state: present with_items: - bzip2 - php-ctype - php-gd - php-json - php-xml - php-mbstring - php-zip - php-pdo-mysql - php-curl - php-bz2 - php-intl - php-mcrypt - php-ldap - php-imap - php-gmp - php-apcu - php-redis - python-mysqldb tags: - nextcloud - name: Create Nextcloud groups group: name: "{{ item }}" state: present with_items: "{{ nextcloud_instances | list }}" tags: - nextcloud - name: Create Nextcloud users user: name: "{{ item }}" group: "{{ item }}" home: "{{ nextcloud_root }}/{{ item }}" shell: '/bin/bash' createhome: True state: present with_items: "{{ nextcloud_instances | list }}" tags: - nextcloud - name: Create needed directories file: dest: "{{ nextcloud_root }}/{{ item[0] }}/{{ item[1] }}" state: directory mode: "0770" owner: "{{ item[0] }}" group: "{{ item[0] }}" with_nested: - "{{ nextcloud_instances | list }}" - [ 'logs', 'config', 'data', 'tmp' ] tags: - nextcloud - name: Retrieve Nextcloud archive get_url: url: "https://download.nextcloud.com/server/releases/nextcloud-{{ item.value.version | default(nextcloud_version) }}.tar.bz2" dest: "/home/nextcloud-{{ item.value.version | default(nextcloud_version) }}.tar.bz2" with_dict: "{{ nextcloud_instances }}" tags: - nextcloud - name: Retrieve Nextcloud sha256 checksum get_url: url: "https://download.nextcloud.com/server/releases/nextcloud-{{ item.value.version | default(nextcloud_version) }}.tar.bz2.sha256" dest: "/home/nextcloud-{{ item.value.version | default(nextcloud_version) }}.tar.bz2.sha256" with_dict: "{{ nextcloud_instances }}" tags: - nextcloud - name: Verify Nextcloud sha256 checksum command: "sha256sum -c nextcloud-{{ item.value.version | default(nextcloud_version) }}.tar.bz2.sha256" changed_when: False args: chdir: "/home/" with_dict: "{{ nextcloud_instances }}" tags: - nextcloud - name: Extract Nextcloud archive unarchive: src: '/home/nextcloud-{{ item.value.version | default(nextcloud_version) }}.tar.bz2' dest: "{{ nextcloud_root }}/{{ item.key }}" remote_src: True mode: "0750" owner: "{{ item.key }}" group: "{{ item.key }}" with_dict: "{{ nextcloud_instances }}" tags: - nextcloud - include: mysql.yml - name: Link config dir to global config dir file: src: "{{ nextcloud_root }}/{{ item }}/config/config.php" dest: "{{ nextcloud_root }}/{{ item }}/nextcloud/config/config.php" state: link owner: "{{ item }}" group: "{{ item }}" force: True with_items: "{{ nextcloud_instances | list }}" tags: - nextcloud - name: Install Nextcloud shell: "php ./occ maintenance:install --database mysql --database-name {{ item.key }} --database-user {{ item.key }} --database-pass {{ item.value.db_pass }} --admin-user admin --admin-pass toor --data-dir {{ nextcloud_root }}/{{ item.key }}/data" args: chdir: "{{ nextcloud_root }}/{{ item.key }}/nextcloud/" creates: "{{ nextcloud_root }}/{{ item.key }}/config/config.php" with_dict: "{{ nextcloud_instances }}" tags: - nextcloud - name: Configure Nextcloud cron cron: name: 'Nextcloud' minute: "*/15" job: "php -f ~/nextcloud/cron.php" user: "{{ item }}" with_items: "{{ nextcloud_instances | list }}" tags: - nextcloud - name: Erase previously trusted domains config shell: "php ./occ config:system:set trusted_domains" args: chdir: "{{ nextcloud_root }}/{{ item }}/nextcloud/" with_items: "{{ nextcloud_instances | list }}" tags: - nextcloud - name: Configure trusted domains shell: "php ./occ config:system:set trusted_domains {{ item[1] }} --value {{ nextcloud_instances[item[0]].domains[item[1]] }}" args: chdir: "{{ nextcloud_root }}/{{ item[0] }}/nextcloud/" with_nested: - "{{ nextcloud_instances | list }}" - "{{ range(0, nextcloud_instances | list | length ) | list }}" tags: - nextcloud #- name: Configure memcache local to APCu # shell: "php ./occ config:system:set memcache.local --value '\\OC\\Memcache\\APCu'" # args: # chdir: "{{ nextcloud_root }}/{{ item }}/nextcloud/" # with_items: "{{ nextcloud_instances | list }}" # tags: # - nextcloud - name: Fix right on config.php file: dest: "{{ nextcloud_root }}/{{ item }}/config/config.php" owner: "{{ item }}" group: "{{ item }}" mode: "0660" with_items: "{{ nextcloud_instances | list }}" tags: - nextcloud