--- - name: Install pciutils apt: name: pciutils state: present ## Broadcom NetXtreme II - name: Check if Broadcom NetXtreme II device is present shell: "lspci | grep -q 'NetXtreme II'" check_mode: no register: broadcom_netextreme_search failed_when: False changed_when: False # TODO: add the "non-free" part to the existing sources # instead of adding a new source - name: Add non-free repo for Broadcom NetXtreme II include_role: name: evolix/apt tasks_from: basics.yml vars: apt_basics_components: "main contrib non-free" when: broadcom_netextreme_search.rc == 0 ## RAID # Dell and others: MegaRAID SAS # HP gen <10: Hewlett-Packard Company Smart Array # HP gen >=10: Adaptec Smart Storage PQI - name: Detect if RAID is installed shell: "set -o pipefila && lspci -q | grep -e 'RAID bus controller' -e 'Serial Attached SCSI controller'" check_mode: no register: raidmodel changed_when: "'FAILED' in raidmodel.stdout" failed_when: "'FAILED' in raidmodel.stdout" - name: HPE Smart Storage Administrator (ssacli) is present block: - name: HPE GPG embedded key is absent apt_key: id: "26C2B797" keyring: /etc/apt/trusted.gpg state: absent - name: HPE GPG key is installed copy: src: hpePublicKey2048_key1.asc dest: /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/hpePublicKey2048_key1.asc force: yes mode: "0644" owner: root group: root - name: Add HPE repository apt_repository: repo: 'deb https://downloads.linux.hpe.com/SDR/repo/mcp {{ ansible_distribution_release }}/current non-free' state: present - name: Install HPE Smart Storage Administrator (ssacli) apt: name: ssacli when: - "'Hewlett-Packard Company Smart Array' in raidmodel.stdout" - "'Adaptec Smart Storage PQI' in raidmodel.stdout" # NOTE: check_hpraid cron use check_hpraid from nagios-nrpe role # So, if nagios-nrpe role is not installed it will not work - name: Install and configure check_hpraid cron (HP gen >=10) block: - name: check_hpraid cron is present (HP gen >=10) copy: src: check_hpraid.cron.sh dest: /etc/cron.{{ evolinux_cron_checkhpraid_frequency | mandatory }}/check_hpraid mode: "0755" when: "'Adaptec Smart Storage PQI' in raidmodel.stdout" - name: Install and configure cciss-vol-status (HP gen <10) block: - name: Install cciss-vol-status (HP gen <10) apt: name: cciss-vol-status state: present - name: cciss-vol-statusd init script is present (HP gen <10) template: src: hardware/cciss-vol-statusd.j2 dest: /etc/init.d/cciss-vol-statusd mode: "0755" - name: Configure cciss-vol-statusd (HP gen <10) lineinfile: dest: /etc/default/cciss-vol-statusd line: 'MAILTO="{{ raid_alert_email or general_alert_email | mandatory }}"' regexp: 'MAILTO=' create: yes - name: Enable cciss-vol-status in systemd (HP gen <10) service: name: cciss-vol-statusd enabled: true state: restarted when: "'Hewlett-Packard Company Smart Array' in raidmodel.stdout" - name: MegaRAID SAS package is present block: - name: HWRaid embedded GPG key is absent apt_key: id: "23B3D3B4" keyring: /etc/apt/trusted.gpg state: absent when: ansible_distribution_major_version is version('9', '>=') - name: HWRaid GPG key is installed copy: src: hwraid.le-vert.net.asc dest: /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/hwraid.le-vert.net.asc force: yes mode: "0644" owner: root group: root when: ansible_distribution_major_version is version('9', '>=') - name: Add HW tool repository apt_repository: repo: 'deb http://hwraid.le-vert.net/debian {{ ansible_distribution_release }} main' state: present - name: Install packages for DELL/LSI hardware apt: name: - megacli - megaclisas-status allow_unauthenticated: yes - name: Configure packages for DELL/LSI hardware template: src: hardware/megaclisas-statusd.j2 dest: /etc/default/megaclisas-statusd mode: "0755" - name: Enable DELL/LSI hardware in systemd service: name: megaclisas-statusd enabled: true state: started when: "'MegaRAID SAS' in raidmodel.stdout" - meta: flush_handlers