--- # tasks file for mastodon - name: Install main system dependencies apt: name: "{{ system_dep }}" - name: Add PostgreSQL user postgresql_user: name: "{{ db_user }}" password: "{{ db_password }}" role_attr_flags: CREATEDB become_user: postgres - name: Add UNIX account user: name: "{{ service }}" shell: /bin/bash # umask: "0022" nécessite ansible-core 2.12 - name: Install Ruby for service user (rbenv) include_role: name: rbenv vars: - username: "{{ service }}" - rbenv_ruby_version: "{{ ruby_version }}" - name: Clone Mastodon repo (git) git: repo: "{{ git_url }}" dest: "~/mastodon/" version: "{{ git_version | default(omit) }}" #force: yes update: yes become_user: "{{ service }}" - block: - name: Install bundler shell: ". ~/.profile && gem install bundler --no-document" args: chdir: "~/mastodon" executable: /bin/bash # fails with /bin/sh - name: Install gem dependencies shell: ". ~/.profile && bundle install --deployment --without development test -j$(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN)" args: chdir: "~/mastodon" executable: /bin/bash # fails with /bin/sh - name: Install javascript dependencies shell: ". ~/.profile && yarn install --pure-lockfile" args: chdir: "~/mastodon" executable: /bin/bash # fails with /bin/sh become_user: "{{ service }}" - name: Template .env.production configuration file template: src: "env.j2" dest: "~{{ service }}/mastodon/.env.production" owner: "{{ service }}" group: "{{ service }}" mode: "0640" - name: Check if secrets need to be generated or not shell: "grep -P SECRET_KEY_BASE=[[:alnum:]]{128} .env.production" args: chdir: "~/mastodon" become_user: "{{ service }}" register: secrets failed_when: "secrets.rc == 2" - block: - name: Generate secret for SECRET_KEY_BASE shell: '. ~/.profile && sed -i -r "s/SECRET_KEY_BASE=/SECRET_KEY_BASE=$(RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake secret)/" .env.production' args: chdir: "~/mastodon" executable: /bin/bash # fails with /bin/sh - name: Generate secret for OTP_SECRET shell: '. ~/.profile && sed -i -r "s/OTP_SECRET=/OTP_SECRET=$(RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake secret)/" .env.production' args: chdir: "~/mastodon" executable: /bin/bash # fails with /bin/sh - name: Generate secret for VAPID_PRIVATE_KEY and VAPID_PUBLIC_KEY shell: . ~/.profile && RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake mastodon:webpush:generate_vapid_key > vapid.tmp | head -1 | cut -c 19- args: chdir: "~/mastodon" executable: /bin/bash # fails with /bin/sh - name: Read VAPID_PRIVATE_KEY secret from temp file shell: "cat vapid.tmp | head -1 | cut -c 19-" args: chdir: "~/mastodon" register: app_vapid_private_key - name: Read VAPID_PUBLIC_KEY secret from temp file shell: "cat vapid.tmp | tail -1 | cut -c 18-" args: chdir: "~/mastodon" register: app_vapid_public_key - name: Delete secrets temp file file: path: "~/mastodon/vapid.tmp" state: absent - name: Write app_vapid_private_key to production .env file lineinfile: path: "~/mastodon/.env.production" regexp: '^VAPID_PRIVATE_KEY=' line: "VAPID_PRIVATE_KEY={{ app_vapid_private_key.stdout }}" - name: Write app_vapid_public_key to production .env file lineinfile: path: "~/mastodon/.env.production" regexp: '^VAPID_PUBLIC_KEY=' line: "VAPID_PUBLIC_KEY={{ app_vapid_public_key.stdout }}" become_user: "{{ service }}" when: "secrets.rc == 1" - name: Check if mastodon database is already present or not shell: | psql -lqt | cut -d \| -f 1 | grep -qw {{ service }}_production become_user: postgres register: db_present failed_when: "db_present.rc == 2" - name: Setup database schema if database not already present shell: ". ~/.profile && RAILS_ENV=production SAFETY_ASSURED=1 bundle exec rails db:setup" args: chdir: "~/mastodon" executable: /bin/bash # fails with /bin/sh become_user: "{{ service }}" when: "db_present.rc == 1" - name: Precompile assets shell: ". ~/.profile && RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rails assets:precompile" args: chdir: "~/mastodon" executable: /bin/bash # fails with /bin/sh become_user: "{{ service }}" - name: Add systemd target template: src: "mastodon.target.j2" dest: "/etc/systemd/system/{{ service }}.target" - name: Add systemd web unit template: src: "mastodon-web.service.j2" dest: "/etc/systemd/system/{{ service }}-web.service" - name: Add systemd sidekiq unit template: src: "mastodon-sidekiq.service.j2" dest: "/etc/systemd/system/{{ service }}-sidekiq.service" - name: Add systemd streaming unit template: src: "mastodon-streaming.service.j2" dest: "/etc/systemd/system/{{ service }}-streaming.service" - name: Enable systemd units systemd: name: "{{ item }}" enabled: yes daemon_reload: yes loop: - "{{ service }}.target" - "{{ service }}-web.service" - "{{ service }}-sidekiq.service" - "{{ service }}-streaming.service" - name: Start services service: name: "{{ service }}.target" state: started - name: Check if SSL certificate is present and register result stat: path: "/etc/letsencrypt/live/{{ domains |first }}/fullchain.pem" register: ssl #- name: Generate certificate only if required (first time) #block: #- name: Template vhost without SSL for successfull LE challengce #template: #src: "vhost.j2" #dest: "/etc/nginx/sites-available/{{ service }}" #- name: Enable temporary nginx vhost for LE #file: #src: "/etc/nginx/sites-available/{{ service }}" #dest: "/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/{{ service }}" #state: link #- name: Reload nginx conf #service: #name: nginx #state: reloaded #- name: Generate certificate with certbot #shell: certbot certonly --webroot --webroot-path /var/lib/letsencrypt -d {{ domains |first }} #when: ssl.stat.exists == false #- name: (Re)template conf file for nginx vhost with SSL #template: #src: "vhost.j2" #dest: "/etc/nginx/sites-available/{{ service }}" #- name: Enable nginx vhost for mastodon #file: #src: "/etc/nginx/sites-available/{{ service }}" #dest: "/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/{{ service }}" #state: link #- name: Reload nginx conf #service: #name: nginx #state: reloaded