### # This is list of variables that should copy to your inventory when using this role # Those values are sensible, for a dedicated Boost Proxy server. # --- # minifirewall_protected_ports_tcp: [] # minifirewall_protected_ports_udp: [] # minifirewall_public_ports_tcp: [80, 443] # minifirewall_public_ports_udp: [] # minifirewall_semipublic_ports_tcp: [22, "{{ haproxy_stats_port }}"] # minifirewall_semipublic_ports_udp: [] # minifirewall_private_ports_tcp: [5666] # minifirewall_private_ports_udp: [] # minifirewall_http_sites: [''] # minifirewall_https_sites: [''] # haproxy_socket: /run/haproxy/admin.sock # haproxy_chroot: /var/lib/haproxy # haproxy_server_state_file: /var/lib/haproxy/server_state.txt # haproxy_stats_access_ips: "{{ trusted_ips | union(['']) }}" # haproxy_stats_admin_ips: "{{ trusted_ips }}" # haproxy_maintenance_ips: [] # haproxy_deny_ips: [] # haproxy_stats_enable: True # haproxy_stats_port: "8080" # nginx_package_name: "nginx-light" # nginx_force_default_template: True # nginx_default_template_regular: "nginx/evolinux-default.conf.j2" # varnish_addresses: # - "{{ haproxy_chroot }}{{ boost_varnish_proxy_socket }},user=vcache,group=varnish,mode=666,PROXY" # - # varnish_tmp_dir: /var/tmp-vcache # boost_sites_enabled_for_all: # - 000-example # Set this to Tur if you have multiple servers that need to communicate with a root SSH access # boost_allow_root_ssh_between_servers: False