daemonize yes pidfile {{ redis_pid_dir }}/redis-server.pid port {{ redis_port }} bind {{ redis_bind_interface }} {% if redis_socket_enabled %} unixsocket {{ redis_socket_dir }}/redis.sock unixsocketperm {{ redis_socket_perms }} {% endif %} {% if redis_password %} requirepass {{ redis_password }} {% endif %} {% if redis_password_master %} masterauth {{ redis_password_master }} {% endif %} timeout {{ redis_timeout }} loglevel {{ redis_log_level }} logfile {{ redis_log_dir }}/redis-server.log # To enable logging to the system logger, just set 'syslog-enabled' to yes, # and optionally update the other syslog parameters to suit your needs. # syslog-enabled no # syslog-ident redis # syslog-facility local0 databases {{ redis_databases }} {% for save in redis_save %} save {{ save }} {% endfor %} rdbcompression {{ redis_rdbcompression | bool | ternary('yes','no') }} dbfilename {{ redis_data_file }} dir {{ redis_data_dir }} {% if redis_installed_version | version_compare('3.2', '>=') %} protected-mode {{ redis_protected_mode | bool | ternary('yes','no') }} {% endif %} {% if redis_maxclients %} maxclients {{ redis_maxclients }} {% endif %} {% if redis_maxmemory %} maxmemory {{ redis_maxmemory }} maxmemory-policy {{ redis_maxmemory_policy }} maxmemory-samples {{ redis_maxmemory_samples }} {% endif %} appendonly {{ redis_appendonly | bool | ternary('yes','no') }} appendfsync {{ redis_appendfsync }} no-appendfsync-on-rewrite no {% for disabled_command in redis_disabled_commands %} rename-command {{ disabled_command }} "" {% endfor %} {% for include in redis_includes %} include {{ include }} {% endfor %}