--- - name: Installation of wordpress hosts: '{{ hosts }}' gather_facts: yes vars_files: - './vars/default.yml' # TODO: create vars file vars: service: WordPress version_service: 4.7-branch url_service: https://github.com/WordPress/WordPress site_title: "new blog Evolix SaaS" tasks: - name: Init global variables include: './tasks/var_common.yml' - name: init dir_wpcli set_fact: dir_wpcli="{{ dir }}/wp-cli" - debug: var=dir_wpcli when: debug_mode tags: debug_mode - name: Git clone {{ service }} repository include: './tasks/git.yml' vars: service_git: "{{ service }}" url_git: "{{ url_service }}" dest_git: "{{ dir_www }}" version_git: "{{ version_service }}" - name: Creation directory wp-cli file: > path: "{{ dir_wpcli }}" state: directory - name: Download wp-cli.phar include: './tasks/download.yml' vars: url: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wp-cli/builds/gh-pages/phar/wp-cli.phar' dest: "{{ dir_wpcli }}" - name: Configuration for db shell: > php wp-cli.phar core config --dbname="{{ db_name }}" --dbuser="{{ db_user }}" --dbpass="{{ db_pwd }}" --dbhost="{{ db_host }}" --path="{{ dir_www }}" chdir: "{{ dir_wpcli }}" - name: Wordpress site installation shell: > php wp-cli.phar core install --url="{{ host }}" --title="{{ site_title }}" --admin_user="admin" --admin_password="{{ admin_pwd }}" --admin_email="{{ user }}@{{ ansible_fqdn }}" --skip-email --path="{{ dir_www }}" chdir: "{{ dir_wpcli }}" - name: Init variables to sending the email about the installation include: './tasks/var_email_install.yml' vars: admin_user: 'admin' type: 'Installation' - name: Send email include: './tasks/email.yml'