--- - name: chmod 700 /root file: path: /root state: directory mode: "700" when: evolinux_root_chmod - name: "Customize root's bashrc..." lineinfile: dest: /root/.bashrc line: "{{ item }}" create: yes state: present with_items: - "export HISTCONTROL=$HISTCONTROL${HISTCONTROL+,}ignoreboth" - "export HISTSIZE=65535" - "export HISTTIMEFORMAT=\"%c : \"" when: evolinux_root_bashrc ## .bash_history should be append-only - name: Create .bash_history if missing copy: content: "" dest: "/root/.bash_history" force: no when: evolinux_root_bash_history - name: Set umask in /root/.profile lineinfile: dest: "/root/.profile" line: "umask 0077" regexp: "umask [0-9]+" when: evolinux_root_umask - name: Custom git config for root copy: src: root/gitconfig dest: "/root/.gitconfig" force: no when: evolinux_root_gitconfig - name: Is .bash_history append-only shell: lsattr /root/.bash_history | grep -E "^.*a.* " #check_mode: no (for migration to Ansible 2.2) always_run: yes register: bash_history_append_only failed_when: False changed_when: False - name: Set .bash_history append-only command: chattr +a /root/.bash_history when: evolinux_root_bash_history_appendonly and bash_history_append_only.rc != 0 - name: Setting vim as selected-editor lineinfile: dest: /root/.selected_editor regexp: '^SELECTED_EDITOR=' line: "SELECTED_EDITOR=\"/usr/bin/vim.basic\"" create: yes when: evolinux_root_vim_default - name: Setting vim root configuration lineinfile: dest: /root/.vimrc line: "{{ item }}" create: yes state: present with_items: - "syntax on" - "set hlsearch" - "set background=dark" - "set expandtab" - "set tabstop=4" - "set softtabstop=0" - "set shiftwidth=4" - "set smarttab" when: evolinux_root_vim_conf - meta: flush_handlers