--- - name: "Abort if MariaDB on Debian 8" ansible.builtin.fail: msg: "We can't create other users with 'debian-sys-maint' on Debian 8 with MariaDB.\nWe must give it the GRANT privilege before continuing." when: mysql_variant == "mariadb" - name: create a password for mysqladmin ansible.builtin.command: cmd: "apg -n 1 -m 16 -M lcN" register: mysql_admin_password changed_when: False check_mode: no tags: - mysql - name: there is a mysqladmin user community.mysql.mysql_user: name: mysqladmin password: '{{ mysql_admin_password.stdout }}' priv: "*.*:ALL,GRANT" update_password: on_create state: present config_file: "/etc/mysql/debian.cnf" register: create_mysqladmin_user tags: - mysql - name: mysqladmin is the default user community.general.ini_file: dest: /root/.my.cnf mode: "0600" section: client option: '{{ item.option }}' value: '{{ item.value }}' create: yes loop: - { option: 'user', value: 'mysqladmin' } - { option: 'password', value: '{{ mysql_admin_password.stdout }}' } when: create_mysqladmin_user is changed tags: - mysql - name: root user is absent community.mysql.mysql_user: name: root host_all: yes config_file: "/root/.my.cnf" state: absent tags: - mysql