--- - name: Install OpenVPN openbsd_pkg: name: openvpn-- when: ansible_distribution == 'OpenBSD' - name: Create /etc/openvpn file: dest: "/etc/openvpn" state: directory owner: root group: wheel mode: "0755" - name: Clone shellpki repo git: repo: "https://gitea.evolix.org/evolix/shellpki.git" dest: /root/shellpki - name: Create the shellpki user user: name: _shellpki system: yes create_home: no home: "/etc/shellpki" shell: "/sbin/nologin" - name: Create /etc/shellpki file: dest: "/etc/shellpki" state: directory owner: _shellpki group: _shellpki mode: "0755" - name: Copy shellpki files copy: src: "{{ item.source }}" dest: "{{ item.destination }}" remote_src: yes with_items: - { source: "/root/shellpki/openssl.cnf", destination: "/etc/shellpki/openssl.cnf" } - { source: "/root/shellpki/shellpki", destination: "/usr/local/sbin/shellpki" } - name: Change files permissions file: dest: "{{ item.dest }}" mode: "{{ item.mode }}" owner: "{{ item.owner }}" group: "{{ item.group }}" with_items: - { dest: "/etc/shellpki/openssl.cnf", mode: "0640", owner: "_shellpki", group: "_shellpki"} - { dest: "/usr/local/sbin/shellpki", mode: "0755", owner: "root", group: "wheel" } - name: Delete local shellpki repo file: state: absent dest: "/root/shellpki" - name: Add sudo rights lineinfile: dest: "/etc/sudoers" regexp: '/usr/local/sbin/shellpki' line: "%_shellpki ALL = (root) /usr/local/sbin/shellpki" validate: 'visudo -cf %s' - name: Deploy OpenVPN client config template template: src: "ovpn.conf.j2" dest: "/etc/shellpki/ovpn.conf" mode: "0640" owner: _shellpki group: _shellpki - name: Generate dhparam command: "openssl dhparam -out /etc/shellpki/dh2048.pem 2048" - name: Fix CRL rights in shellpki command lineinfile: dest: "/usr/local/sbin/shellpki" regexp: '{{ item.regexp }}' insertafter: "{{ item.insertafter }}" line: "{{ item.line }}" with_items: - { regexp: '^ chmod 644 /etc/shellpki/crl.pem$', line: " chmod 644 /etc/shellpki/crl.pem", insertafter: '^ chmod 640 "\${CACERT}"$' } - { regexp: '^ chmod 755 /etc/shellpki/$', line: " chmod 755 /etc/shellpki/", insertafter: '^ chmod 644 /etc/shellpki/crl.pem$' } - name: Deploy OpenVPN server config template: src: "server.conf.j2" dest: "/etc/openvpn/server.conf" mode: "0600" owner: root group: wheel - name: Configure PacketFilter lineinfile: dest: "/etc/pf.conf" line: "{{ item }}" validate: 'pfctl -nf %s' notify: reload packetfilter with_items: - "# OpenVPN" - "pass in quick on $ext_if proto udp from any to self port 1194" - name: Create a cron to rotate the logs cron: name: "OpenVPN logs rotation" weekday: "6" hour: "4" minute: "0" job: "cp /var/log/openvpn.log /var/log/openvpn.log.$(date +\\%F) && echo \"$(date +\\%F' '\\%R) - logfile turned over via cron\" > /var/log/openvpn.log && gzip /var/log/openvpn.log.$(date +\\%F) && find /var/log/ -type f -name \"openvpn.log.*\" -mtime +365 -exec rm {} \\+" - name: Generate a password for the management interface set_fact: management_pwd: "{{ lookup('password', '/dev/null length=15 chars=ascii_letters,digits') }}" - name: Set the management password copy: dest: "/etc/openvpn/management-pwd" content: "{{ management_pwd }}" mode: "0600" owner: root group: wheel - name: Enable openvpn service service: name: openvpn enabled: yes - name: Set openvpn flags lineinfile: dest: /etc/rc.conf.local regexp: "^openvpn_flags=" line: "openvpn_flags=--daemon --config /etc/openvpn/server.conf" create: yes - name: Is NRPE installed ? stat: path: "/etc/nrpe.d/evolix.cfg" check_mode: no register: nrpe_evolix_config - name: Install NRPE check dependencies openbsd_pkg: name: p5-Net-Telnet when: nrpe_evolix_config.stat.exists - name: Install OpenVPN NRPE check copy: src: "files/check_openvpn_openbsd.pl" dest: "/usr/local/libexec/nagios/plugins/check_openvpn.pl" mode: "0755" owner: root group: wheel when: nrpe_evolix_config.stat.exists - name: Configure NRPE OpenVPN check lineinfile: dest: "/etc/nrpe.d/zzz_evolix.cfg" regexp: '^command\[check_openvpn\]=' line: "command[check_openvpn]=/usr/local/libexec/nagios/plugins/check_openvpn.pl -H -p 1195 -P {{ management_pwd }}" create: yes mode: "0644" owner: root group: wheel notify: restart nrpe when: nrpe_evolix_config.stat.exists - name: Install OpenVPN certificates NRPE check copy: src: "files/check_openvpn_certificates.sh" dest: "/usr/local/libexec/nagios/plugins/check_openvpn_certificates.sh" mode: "0755" owner: root group: wheel when: nrpe_evolix_config.stat.exists - name: Add doas rights for NRPE check lineinfile: dest: "/etc/doas.conf" regexp: 'check_openvpn_certificates.sh' line: "permit nopass _nrpe as root cmd /usr/local/libexec/nagios/plugins/check_openvpn_certificates.sh" validate: 'doas -C %s' when: nrpe_evolix_config.stat.exists - name: Configure NRPE certificates check lineinfile: dest: "/etc/nrpe.d/evolix.cfg" regexp: '^command\[check_openvpn_certificates\]=' line: "command[check_openvpn_certificates]=doas /usr/local/libexec/nagios/plugins/check_openvpn_certificates.sh" notify: restart nrpe when: nrpe_evolix_config.stat.exists # BEGIN TODO : Get this script from master branch when cloning it at the beginning when dev branch is merged with master (this script is currently not available on master branch) - name: Clone dev branch of shellpki repo git: repo: "https://gitea.evolix.org/evolix/shellpki.git" dest: /root/shellpki-dev version: dev - name: Copy shellpki script copy: src: "/root/shellpki-dev/cert-expirations.sh" dest: "/usr/share/scripts/cert-expirations.sh" mode: "0700" owner: root group: wheel remote_src: yes - name: Delete local shellpki-dev repo file: state: absent dest: "/root/shellpki-dev" # END TODO - name: Install cron to warn about certificates expiration cron: name: "OpenVPN certificates expiration" special_time: monthly job: '/usr/share/scripts/cert-expirations.sh | mail -E -s "PKI VPN {{ ansible_hostname }} : recapitulatif expirations" {{ client_email }}' - name: Warn the user about command to execute manually pause: prompt: | /!\ WARNING /!\ You have to manually create the CA on the server with "shellpki init {{ ansible_fqdn }}". The command will ask you to create a password, and will ask you again to give the same one several times. You have to manually generate the CRL on the server with "openssl ca -gencrl -keyfile /etc/shellpki/cakey.key -cert /etc/shellpki/cacert.pem -out /etc/shellpki/crl.pem -config /etc/shellpki/openssl.cnf". The previously created password will be asked. You have to manually create the server's certificate with "shellpki create {{ ansible_fqdn }}". You have to adjust the config file "/etc/openvpn/server.conf" for the following parameters : local (to check), cert (to check), key (to add), server (to check), push (to complete if needed). Finally, you can (re)start the OpenVPN service with "rcctl restart openvpn". Press enter to exit when it's done.