--- - name: Install apg apt: name: apg # On Debian 10, we need to install the package from buster-backports - name: Enable backports (Debian 10) include_role: name: evolix/apt tasks_from: backports.yml when: ansible_distribution_major_version is version('10', '=') - name: Prefer phpMyAdmin package from backports (Debian 10) template: src: phpmyadmin_apt_preferences.j2 dest: /etc/apt/preferences.d/999-phpmyadmin force: yes mode: "0644" when: ansible_distribution_major_version is version('10', '=') - name: Install phpmyadmin apt: name: phpmyadmin update_cache: yes - name: Check if phpmyadmin default configuration is present stat: path: /etc/apache2/conf-enabled/phpmyadmin.conf register: pma_default_config - debug: var: pma_default_config verbosity: 1 - name: Disable phpmyadmin default configuration command: "a2disconf phpmyadmin" register: command_result changed_when: "'Disabling' in command_result.stderr" when: pma_default_config.stat.exists - name: "phpmyadmin suffix dirname '{{ packweb_phpmyadmin_suffix_file | dirname }}' exists" file: dest: "{{ packweb_phpmyadmin_suffix_file | dirname }}" mode: "0700" owner: root group: root state: directory - name: set phpmyadmin suffix if provided copy: dest: "{{ packweb_phpmyadmin_suffix_file }}" # The last character "\u000A" is a line feed (LF), it's better to keep it content: "{{ packweb_phpmyadmin_suffix }}\u000A" force: yes when: packweb_phpmyadmin_suffix != "" - name: generate random string for phpmyadmin suffix shell: "apg -a 1 -M N -n 1 > {{ packweb_phpmyadmin_suffix_file }}" args: creates: "{{ packweb_phpmyadmin_suffix_file }}" - name: read phpmyadmin suffix command: "tail -n 1 {{ packweb_phpmyadmin_suffix_file }}" changed_when: False check_mode: no register: new_packweb_phpmyadmin_suffix - name: overwrite packweb_phpmyadmin_suffix set_fact: packweb_phpmyadmin_suffix: "{{ new_packweb_phpmyadmin_suffix.stdout }}" - debug: var: packweb_phpmyadmin_suffix verbosity: 1 - name: enable phpMyAdmin config blockinfile: dest: /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-evolinux-default.conf marker: "# {mark} phpMyAdmin section" block: | Alias /phpmyadmin /var/www Alias /phpmyadmin-{{ packweb_phpmyadmin_suffix }} /usr/share/phpmyadmin/ Include /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf Require all denied Include /etc/apache2/ipaddr_whitelist.conf - name: enable phpmyadmin link in default site index replace: dest: /var/www/index.html regexp: '' replace: '
  • Accès PhpMyAdmin
  • ' - name: replace phpmyadmin suffix in default site index replace: dest: /var/www/index.html regexp: '__PHPMYADMIN_SUFFIX__' replace: "{{ packweb_phpmyadmin_suffix }}"