- name: is {{ home }}/.bash_profile present? stat: path: "{{ home }}/.bash_profile" #check_mode: no (for migration to Ansible 2.2) always_run: yes register: bash_profile - name: install shell trap in {{ home }}/.bash_profile lineinfile: dest: "{{ home }}/.bash_profile" line: "trap \"sudo /usr/share/scripts/evomaintenance.sh\" 0" insertafter: EOF create: no when: bash_profile.stat.exists - name: is {{ home }}/.profile present? stat: path: "{{ home }}/.profile" #check_mode: no (for migration to Ansible 2.2) always_run: yes register: profile when: not bash_profile.stat.exists - name: install shell trap in {{ home }}/.profile lineinfile: dest: "{{ home }}/.profile" line: "trap \"sudo /usr/share/scripts/evomaintenance.sh\" 0" insertafter: EOF create: yes when: not bash_profile.stat.exists