# # Ansible managed - DO NOT MODIFY, your changes will be **overwritten** ! # # Update the hosts_vars/group_vars on the autosysadmin project # https://gitea.evolix.org/evolix/autosysadmin/src/branch/master # # Configuration for autosysadmin # Use this file to change configuration values defined in repair scripts # Ex : repair_http=off {% if repair_amavis == "off" %} repair_amavis=off {% endif %} {% if repair_disk == "off" %} repair_disk=off {% endif %} {% if repair_elasticsearch == "off" %} repair_elasticsearch=off {% endif %} {% if repair_http == "off" %} repair_http=off {% endif %} {% if repair_mysql == "off" %} repair_mysql=off {% endif %} {% if repair_opendkim == "off" %} repair_opendkim=off {% endif %} {% if repair_php_fpm56 == "off" %} repair_php_fpm56=off {% endif %} {% if repair_php_fpm70 == "off" %} repair_php_fpm70=off {% endif %} {% if repair_php_fpm73 == "off" %} repair_php_fpm73=off {% endif %} {% if repair_php_fpm74 == "off" %} repair_php_fpm74=off {% endif %} {% if repair_php_fpm80 == "off" %} repair_php_fpm80=off {% endif %} {% if repair_php_fpm81 == "off" %} repair_php_fpm81=off {% endif %} {% if repair_php_fpm82 == "off" %} repair_php_fpm82=off {% endif %} {% if repair_php_fpm83 == "off" %} repair_php_fpm83=off {% endif %} {% if repair_redis == "off" %} repair_redis=off {% endif %} {% if repair_tomcat_instance == "off" %} repair_tomcat_instance=off {% endif %}