# maxscale Install MariaDB MaxScale on a server. ## Tasks Tasks are separated in several files, included in `tasks/main.yml`: * `packages_stretch.yml`: repository and packages installation * `mysql_add_user.yml`: An utility task to add the two users used by MaxScale on a MySQL cluster * `config_stretch.yml`: configuration ## Variables * `maxscale_version`: the version of MariaDB MaxScale to install * `maxscale_mysql_user`: the mysql user MaxScale use to get the list of databases/users/tables/… on the MySQL cluster. * `maxscale_mysql_password`: the plaintext password MaxScale use to connect on the cluster with `maxscale_mysql_user`. * `encrypted_maxscale_mysql_password`: the same variable as above but encrypted by maxpasswd on the MaxScale server (currently the plaintext version is still needed if `mysql_add_user.yml` is used). * `maxscale_monitor_user`: the mysql user MaxScale use to check the status of the MySQL servers. * `maxscale_monitor_password`: the plaintext password of `maxscale_monitor_user`. * `encrypted_maxscale_mysql_password`: the same variable as above but encrypted by maxpasswd on the MaxScale server (currently the plaintext version is still needed if `mysql_add_user.yml` is used). * `maxscale_mysql_master`: (optional) the master server ansible will create `maxscale_mysql_user` and `maxscale_monitor_user` on (keeping it `Null` cause `mysql_add_user.yml` to not be included). * `maxscale_mysql_servers`: list of the MySQL servers of the cluster MaxScale should monitor and connect to. * `maxscale_services`: list of services MaxScale will define and the ports they should listen to.