--- # Unix account - name: "Test if '{{ user.name }}' exists" command: 'getent passwd {{ user.name }}' register: loginisbusy failed_when: False changed_when: False check_mode: no - name: "Test if uid exists for '{{ user.name }}'" command: 'getent passwd {{ user.uid }}' register: uidisbusy failed_when: False changed_when: False check_mode: no - name: "Unix account for '{{ user.name }}' is present (with uid '{{ user.uid }}')" user: state: present uid: '{{ user.uid }}' name: '{{ user.name }}' comment: '{{ user.fullname }}' shell: /bin/bash password: '{{ user.password_hash }}' update_password: on_create when: - loginisbusy.rc != 0 - uidisbusy.rc != 0 - name: "Unix account for '{{ user.name }}' is present (with random uid)" user: state: present name: '{{ user.name }}' comment: '{{ user.fullname }}' shell: /bin/bash password: '{{ user.password_hash }}' update_password: on_create when: - loginisbusy.rc != 0 - uidisbusy.rc == 0 # Unix groups ## Group for SSH authorizations - name: "Unix group '{{ evolinux_ssh_group }}' is present (Debian 10 or later)" group: name: "{{ evolinux_ssh_group }}" state: present when: ansible_distribution_major_version | version_compare('10', '>=') - name: "Unix user '{{ user.name }}' belongs to group '{{ evolinux_ssh_group }}' (Debian 10 or later)" user: name: '{{ user.name }}' groups: "{{ evolinux_ssh_group }}" append: yes when: ansible_distribution_major_version | version_compare('10', '>=') ## Optional group for all evolinux users - name: "Unix group '{{ evolinux_internal_group }}' is present (Debian 9 or later)" group: name: "{{ evolinux_internal_group }}" state: present when: - evolinux_internal_group is defined - evolinux_internal_group != "" - ansible_distribution_major_version | version_compare('9', '>=') - name: "Unix user '{{ user.name }}' belongs to group '{{ evolinux_internal_group }}' (Debian 9 or later)" user: name: '{{ user.name }}' groups: "{{ evolinux_internal_group }}" append: yes when: - evolinux_internal_group is defined - evolinux_internal_group != "" - ansible_distribution_major_version | version_compare('9', '>=') ## Optional secondary groups, defined per user - name: "Secondary Unix groups are present" group: name: "{{ group }}" with_items: "{{ user.groups }}" loop_control: loop_var: group when: user.groups is defined - name: "Unix user '{{ user.name }}' belongs to secondary groups" user: name: '{{ user.name }}' groups: "{{ user.groups }}" append: yes when: user.groups is defined # Permissions on home directory - name: "Home directory for '{{ user.name }}' is not accessible by group and other users" file: name: '/home/{{ user.name }}' mode: "0700" state: directory # Evomaintenance - name: Search profile for presence of evomaintenance command: 'grep -q "trap.*sudo.*evomaintenance.sh" /home/{{ user.name }}/.profile' changed_when: False failed_when: False check_mode: no register: grep_profile_evomaintenance ## Don't add the trap if it is present or commented - name: "User '{{ user.name }}' has its shell trap for evomaintenance" lineinfile: state: present dest: '/home/{{ user.name }}/.profile' insertafter: EOF line: 'trap "sudo /usr/share/scripts/evomaintenance.sh" 0' when: grep_profile_evomaintenance.rc != 0 # SSH keys - name: "SSH directory for '{{ user.name }}' is present" file: dest: '/home/{{ user.name }}/.ssh/' state: directory mode: "0700" owner: '{{ user.name }}' group: '{{ user.name }}' - name: "SSH public key for '{{ user.name }}' is present" authorized_key: user: "{{ user.name }}" key: "{{ user.ssh_key }}" state: present when: user.ssh_key is defined - name: "SSH public keys for '{{ user.name }}' are present" authorized_key: user: "{{ user.name }}" key: "{{ ssk_key }}" state: present with_items: "{{ user.ssh_keys }}" loop_control: loop_var: ssk_key when: user.ssh_keys is defined - meta: flush_handlers