--- - name: "Set default php.ini values for CLI" community.general.ini_file: dest: "{{ php_cli_defaults_ini_file }}" section: PHP option: "{{ item.option }}" value: "{{ item.value }}" mode: "0644" create: yes loop: - { option: "display_errors", value: "On" } - { option: "allow_url_fopen", value: "On" } - { option: "disable_functions", value: "" } - name: Custom php.ini for CLI ansible.builtin.copy: dest: "{{ php_cli_custom_ini_file }}" content: | ; Put customized values here. force: no # This task is not merged with the above copy # because "force: no" prevents any fix after the fact - name: "Permissions for custom php.ini for CLI" ansible.builtin.file: dest: "{{ php_cli_custom_ini_file }}" mode: "0644" - name: "Set custom values for PHP to enable Symfony" community.general.ini_file: dest: "{{ php_cli_custom_ini_file }}" section: PHP option: "{{ item.option }}" value: "{{ item.value }}" mode: "0644" loop: - { option: "date.timezone", value: "Europe/Paris" } when: php_symfony_requirements | bool