--- - name: Git is installed apt: name: git state: present - name: /etc is versioned with git command: "git init ." args: chdir: /etc creates: /etc/.git/ register: git_init - name: Git user.email is configured ini_file: dest: /etc/.git/config section: user option: email value: "" - name: /etc/.git is secure file: path: /etc/.git owner: root group: root mode: 0700 state: directory - name: /etc/.gitignore is present copy: src: gitignore dest: /etc/.gitignore owner: root group: root mode: 0600 - name: does /etc/ have any commit? command: "git log" args: chdir: /etc changed_when: False failed_when: False register: git_log - name: initial commit is present? shell: "git add -A . && git commit -m \"Initial commit via Ansible\"" args: chdir: /etc register: git_commit when: git_log.rc != 0 or (git_init is defined and git_init.changed)