--- - block: - name: "Is {{ mysql_custom_logdir }} present ?" stat: path: "{{ mysql_custom_logdir }}" check_mode: no register: mysql_custom_logdir_test - name: "read the real logdir" command: readlink -f /var/log/mysql changed_when: False check_mode: no register: mysql_current_real_logdir_test tags: - mysql when: mysql_custom_logdir | length > 0 - block: - name: MySQL is stopped service: name: mysql state: stopped - name: Move MySQL logdir to {{ mysql_custom_logdir }} command: mv {{ mysql_current_real_logdir_test.stdout }} {{ mysql_custom_logdir }} args: creates: "{{ mysql_custom_logdir }}" - name: Symlink {{ mysql_custom_logdir }} to /var/log/mysql file: src: "{{ mysql_custom_logdir }}" dest: '/var/log/mysql' state: link - name: MySQL is started service: name: mysql state: started tags: - mysql when: - mysql_custom_logdir | length > 0 - mysql_custom_logdir != mysql_current_real_logdir_test.stdout - not mysql_custom_logdir_test.stat.exists - not ansible_check_mode