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Installation and configuration of Squid


Everything is in the tasks/main.yml file.

A blank file is created at /etc/squid/whitelist-custom.conf to add addresses in the whitelist.

Available variables

  • squid_address : IP address for internal/outgoing traffic (default: Ansible detected IPv4 address) ;
  • squid_whitelist_items : list of URL to add to the whitelist (default: []) ;
  • squid_localproxy_enable : enable configuration for squid as local proxy (default: False) ;
  • general_alert_email: email address to send various alert messages (default: root@localhost) ;
  • log2mail_alert_email: email address to send Log2mail messages to (default: general_alert_email).

The full list of variables (with default values) can be found in defaults/main.yml.

Warning : if squid has been installed with squid_localproxy_enable: False, it can't be simply switched to True and re-run. You have to purge the squid package, remove the configuration rm -rf /etc/squid* /etc/default/squid* and then re-run the playbook.