Ludovic Poujol e32e1c5496
All checks were successful
Ansible Lint |Total|New|Outstanding|Fixed|Trend |:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-: |2647|2|2645|12|:+1: Reference build: <a href="">Evolix » ansible-roles » unstable #425</a>
gitea/ansible-roles/pipeline/head This commit looks good
Unbound: Big update & enhancements
* Move configuration generated to /etc/unbound/unbound.conf.d/evolinux.conf so we don't override default config file
* Make use of root hints provided by dns-root-data instead of downloading them
* Add configuration to ensure that configuration reload work out of the box on Debian11 and old
* Add required configuration in Unbound and munin to allow tge plugin to work
* Make ansible-lint a bit more happy
2023-12-08 16:13:41 +01:00

12 lines
160 B

- ''
- '::1'
- ' refuse'
- ' allow_snoop'
- '::0/0 refuse'
- '::1 allow_snoop'